Chapter 19

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Nikki's POV

     "So what do you think about this" I ask Mick
     "I think you're torturing the poor girl"
     "Well, she was the one that asked to go out tonight so you can't blame me entirely." I shrug my shoulders and lean back
     "I know you like her Sixx"
     "What the hell are you talking about" I laugh knowing damn well he can see right through me.
     "I also know you were scared about bringing her here too"
     "I was not scared" my voice got a little higher
     "Doesn't change the fact that you like her thought" He stares
     "Just- back off Mick, ok?"
     "Ya know she likes you too right?"
     "What the fuck makes you say that?"
     "I heard you to horndogs in the bar! She was totally gonna fuck you!"
     "Then Vince had to barge in" I roll my eyes
     "If she didn't like you, she wouldn't have said that"
     We stayed silent and watched the stage until we heard Isabelle and Tommy laughing on the way back to the table. Tommy's mostly laughing and Iz is smiling and shaking her head. "Oh. my. God." she said as she sat back down.
     "Did you have fun?" I ask with a baby voice
     "I never actually touched another woman's ass or boobs, so that was a first." She says raising an eyebrow
     "She let you touch her?"
     "Yeah?" She questions
     "They never let us touch 'em!"
     "Well that's probably 'cause I'm a chick and you guys look like the Addams family..."
     "Whatever, come here" She scoots over and I lean her back and rest the back of her head in my hand. "Open up"
     "Just do it" I grab the bottle of jack and start pouring it into her mouth. She, unexpectedly, shot up and spit out what was left in her mouth.
     "Nikki! What the fuck!"
     Vince walks over laughing "Nice one Sixx!" He takes a seat.
     "Oh come on!" She looks at me trying to hide a smile and leans back into my lap. I start to pour the whiskey back into her mouth and all the boys start chanting for her to chug.
Isabelle's POV
     I woke up and looked at the clock on the table. 2 pm. "Fuck" I groan. I start to shift but I feel someone else move next to me. I freeze and realize this is not my bed. I looked under the covers to check myself and quickly put them back down and held my arms over it. "Shit shit shit shit shit!" I whisper. "Who the fuck is next to me?" I think. I can't remember anything from last night. The bar is blurry and the last thing I remember was Nikki pouring jack into my mouth. I turn my head to look at who's next to me and my eyes go wide. "Oh.. my.. God" I whimper. I then see our clothes on the floor and alcohol bottles spread out. I sit up completely and keep the cover over me.
     Tommy barges in the door looking at something in his hand "Hey Vince, do you know how to-' he looks up "Oh. My. God."
      "Shshshsh. Please don't"
      "Iz- you- I-" he stutters and I give him a worried look "what?!" he whisper screams
      "What's going on" Vince starts to wake up. Me and Tommy both turn our heads toward him. He groans and starts to open his eye. "What's the noise fo-" he stops dead in his sentence now with eyes wide open and sitting straight up when he sees me sitting, naked, next to him. "Wha- did we-"
     "I- I don't know. I- I- I uhh don't remember anything that happened last night" I stutter, not knowing what to do next. Tommy is still standing in the doorway with his mouth hung open.
     "I hardly remember anything after dinner"
     "A-after dinner... we-we went to the bar, got a drink then we went to the clubs."
     "Oh right, Nikki was pouring whiskey into your mouth, and then at some point, we all were doing cocaine off your chest-"
     "WHAT?! Are you fucking kidding me!"
     "Oh yeah, that's right! Then you may or may have taken your top off and let us do shots off your stomach and more coke of your tits-" Tommy gives me a worried smile
     I flop back with my hands over my face "you've got to be fucking kidding..."
     "But how did me and Vince end up in bed!" I whisper scream
     "I think after the debauchery we got a little carried away... I'm pretty sure we started making out in the bathroom and then made our way back to the house." Vince said with a grimacing face.
     "Oh my god, I'm gonna fucking cry." I gasp and look at Tommy "you can't fucking tell Nikki!"
     "Why?" Vince asks
     I turn my head towards him "I don't want him knowing we slept together! I don't want anyone knowing we slept together" I say sternly
     "Oh come on, you gotta let me brag about this!" he whines
     "You tell anyone and I will tell everyone you have a micro dick and toe fetish"
     "Fine, jeez. I won't tell"
     "Thank you"
     "I'm gonna leave you two alone to uhh... bye" he walks backwards out the door awkwardly.
     I sit next to Vince in awkward silence. Though this is not how I thought I would sleep with one of these guys, I haven't changed my mind about Vince. He's a sweet talker and not 100% my type but by god he just makes you crave him! Maybe this wasn't a bad thing, it could have been the ice breaker we needed. I turn my head slowly to look at him and he has a guilty smirk, I look down hiding my blushing cheeks. "Don't look at me like that" try to not smile while looking at him.
     "I'm not looking at you" he says, turning and sitting on the edge of his bed. He grabs clothes and I look to the other side so he can get dressed. He throws on a pair of jeans and walks over to my side handing me my clothes. He walks over to his dresser facing the other direction and I rush to put some clothes on before he turns back around. I stand up, now dressed and he turns back around and walks towards me. "So..."
     "So... what now"
     "Dinner tonight?" He asks with a dumb smile and raised eyebrows
     I push his chest and scoff "are you fuckig kidding me Vince" I say and smile
     "What!" He laughs
     "You have a show tonight, and I have work in a few hours"
     "Oh yeah, you're coming tonight right?"
     "Of course I am!"
     "Well get you backstage, hopefully they don't give you any problems"
     "Isn't there a pass you can give me or something"
     "Babe, this is club show, not Soldier Field"
     "I don't like the bears" I cringe
     "Sweety, no one in their right mind does" he says and I laugh.
     "Vince! Get out here!" we hear Nikki yell from the living room.
     "Go, it will give me a chance to sneak out" I tell Vince
     "Sneak out? What are we, in high school?"
     "I technically should be... actually I probably would have graduated by now..what day is it?"
     Vince laughs at my rambling "I'll leave the door open, how bout that?
     "Ugh you're the best" I say sarcastically. "Now go" I push his shoulder.
     "Whats up Nikki" I hear his voice fade as he walks down the hall. I tiptoe to my room and open my door quietly. I close it and then flop down on my bed. "Ho-ly shit"

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