Thank you for being mine(short Heeseung imagine)

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His voice blocked all other sounds from our home, making things so much more intimate. His vocals were almost as mesmerizing as his carefully sculpted face. His eyes twinkled and its gaze was fixated on mine. He had wrote a love song for me. My eyes watered at the thought, and a tear escaped. As soon as one slipped, the rest fell like a water fall. My smile didn't leave my face though, it was all too amazing to take in. My hands covered my face with embarrassment and I sat cross-legged. He sang his last few notes with so much emotion. He walked towards me with a smile on his face. "Why is my beautiful princess crying? Even though she still looks cute whilst doing it, my heart breaks into two." I looked up at him with a small giggle, "because you made me a song. And you're so sweet! I loved it so much! Your voice is so good." I said the last sentence through more sobs. His hands immediately cupped my cheeks and his lips smashed onto mine. We were so close, so connected. It was magical. "Hee-" but I was cut off by another kiss. This one was more passionate and deep. His lip gently bit mine by accident, making me giggle in the kiss. His hands travelled to my waist, and under my shirt on my back, stroking and massaging me. His touch was like electricity, and his lips were so deliciously sweet. I cupped his cheeks as well and felt a runny liquid. He was crying, tears not stopping. I wrapped my legs around his waist and he picked my up, swaying me slowly from side to side. His grip tightened on my legs and his lips trembled. I stroked his hair and broke the kiss. He was smiling with glossy eyes, and so was I. His gaze was so passionate, it was almost lust filled, but it wasn't. It was soft and grateful. But I was more than grateful for him. I kissed his nose and he kissed my forehead. I chuckled so soft, it was basically a whisper. "I really love you Lee. So stop crying my price. It breaks my heart into two as well." His tears trailed down his cheeks again and so did mine, "When did I get this fucking lucky?" "I'm the lucky one." His lips trembled and his eyes reflected the stars. He huffed a deep breath and spoke, "Thank you for being mine."

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