Leading him on

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The whole entire day you've been leading him on. You'd bend down in front of him in your mini skirt, kiss down his neck, bruh you even went out of you r way to buy popsicles so that you could suck on it "weirdly" (iykyk). Every time he thought you were making advances on him, you would give him an innocent smile and act like you weren't teasing the hell out of this man. 

"Y/n, upstairs now."

"Why~? I  was about to do some work."

"I'm counting to five. If you don't get your ass here I will-"



You were sitting on his lap, moving around and dancing. He would try and ask you to stay still, but you didn't listen. You would keep moving until he picked you up and threw you on the couch next to him. You'd giggle and give him a hug, basically burrying his head into your chest.

"Babe, if you want it that bad just tell me, jeez."

"What do you mean, Hoon?"

"Park Y/n, stop acting innocent and tell me what you want."

"I want your phat ass to make me a sandwich😜"


You were acting extra needy today. You would graze your fingers on his abs or arms when he talked to you, called him names like "sir", reacted to every time he touched you with a whimper or a low breathy moan, and constantly whisper compliments in his ear.

"B-baby, what's up with you today?"

"Nothing, babe. Why?"

"Well, would you maybe want to..um, well, y'know."

"If you call me a cute pet name."

"My good girl"



You kept teasing him in public. You'd touch his thigh or smack his butt playfully. You'd also place his hands on you waist or hips. You'd constantly be asking for kisses and when you got in the car you'd move to sit on his lap and kiss down his neck, playing with his hair.

"What in hell are you doing?"

"I just want attention."

"But we can't do this in public. I don't want someone else seeing your perfect body."


"*profuse embarrassment*"


You wouldn't stop playing with his hair and kissing/biting on his lips and earlobe. You'd whisper how much you love his perfect body into his ear until he starts to blush profusely. You's go onto his lap and play with his checks whilst giving him a passionate kiss.

"Y/n, you're so weird today."

"You want me to stop?"

"Yes bitch, I do. Let me watch my shit in peace."

"Damn. Shit's tragic I guess💀😕."


You did every in your power to lead him on. You asked him to massage you as an excuse to make "questionable noises", get on his lap and have intense make out sessions and leave him in the middle when it's getting steamy, expose your hickeys that he gave you and talk about how much you love them, whisper things in his ears and check him out.

"I see you've become like me, baby."

"What do you mean?"

"You're so needy for me, ma."


"You like that, hmm?"


(Niki is busy studying, drinking milk, eating his school lunch, playing on the playground and watching cartoons. Don't even think about disturbing him😡)

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