Long(ish) story (Jay)

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"And then he said..." I know I should be focusing on Jay, but that one fight we had just won't go away. He said some things, I said said some things, he shouted, I shouted. But it hurt like a damn gut punch. "Are you listening? Babe?" I turned my attention to him. "Yeah, just tired. Didn't sleep well last night." His brows furrowed in concern. "Why not? You sleep so easily though. Is something up?" Yes, of course there was something. Our fight was less than 4 days ago. "No, nothing. I guess it was just a bad night... anyways, you were saying?" He gave me one more look before carrying on. We were driving back home from the grocery store. The air was cold, there was rain pouring, mist filled the surface of the sky. "That's about it. Story's over." "Cool..."


I plopped on the couch, exhausted. Jay left around 20:00 to drop Jungwon home from the company since his car ran out of fuel. I sat and watched TV but I couldn't focus. I still heard everything he said, everything I said.

"How do I know Y/N, how do i know you're not cheating?!" "Jay, he literally gave me a hug. And he's GAY!" He scoffed, obviously annoyed. "Yeah, and I painted the Mona Lisa." He caught me at the wrong time. My day was not great to begin with and he was being unnecessary at an unnecessary time. "Jay! Shut your big, smart mouth up. No one asked you for your opinions. Jot it down in your pathetic diary, or write a damn song!" He glared at me, an evil, dangerous glare. He could kill me at any time. "Wow. Not only are you a cheater, you have quite the temper when someone calls you out." "It was a LITERAL hug!" "And side glances, touching, shopping together for dresses, buying ice cream and talking for hours." "He's like a damn brother to me. We've been friends since we were 4. And for the last time: HE'S GAY!" "HOW DO I TRUST YOU?!" He was on thin ice. I could feel my stomach pain growing, trying to ignore it. I was on my period, so my mood was anything close to the grappling pits of hell. "Because Jay! Just because. If you date me, if you marry me, if you live with me, you have to trust me." "Then maybe we shouldn't." I stared at him, I couldn't stop. Never in my life did I think a man like him, a man like Jay, would ever say that. "What?" I couldn't tell if it was regret or literal psycho bitchyness in his eyes. "I need to leave..." I watched as he left to the room, listened to his footsteps, heard the door creak, and the silence buried me whole.

(One day later)

He didn't answer his calls, he didn't talk to me, none of his friends knew where the hell he was. And then the door opened. His normally polished and neat state was gone. His hair was ruffled, lips cracked, face pale, eyes bloodshot. He smelt of alcohol and ramen, and I already knew he went to Heeseung. "Baby..." he whispered. His knees wobbled before he dropped to the floor and started crying. "Please don't leave me, Y/N! Please..." and just like that, he slowly drifted to sleep, on the cold tiled floor. "What the actual fu-"


"Babe?" "Yes?" He sat down next to me and lay down on my lap like he usually does. "What?" He rubbed the back of his head on my stomach. It means he wants me to give him a head massage. But why? He never gave me much closure. After he fell asleep, he acted like everything was fine, and that stung. He acted like didn't just say we should break up because I'm a cheater with a temper. We should have talked, but it felt weird. We never fought like that and I didn't know how to bring up such a big issue. Not that I didn't want to. I did. Very badly. "Babe," he whined like a child. He can keep whining. "Y/N, what's wrong? Are you sick?" I looked at him and frowned a bit, before slowly stroking his hair. "Jay," this was it, my make or brake situation, "do you still think I cheated on you?" He froze. "I-I-don't" he sat up straight and looked at me with pure guilt. "I just... I felt like I had lost you, or maybe I was just mad... it was a bad day for me already and I took it out on you." He looked back down, furrowing his brows. It was like was trying not to cry. The only other time I saw him cry —besides that one time when he was drunk—recently was during our wedding (around 10 months ago). "Jay," I was still hurt. I still didn't know or understand much about what happened to us to begin with. "I just don't know how I made you feel like... i don't know, like I would replace you. Is it like a communication problem or-" "No baby! I just..." and then he broke down in tears. I had seen him cry twice in the span of a week. It felt wrong. "Jay, baby..." I held him in my arms, stroking his hair and rubbing his back. I felt like I needed to cry, but I couldn't. He thought I cheated on him. But he just seems sad. I felt a little betrayed but a sense of remorse filled me too. "It's okay, Jay. We'll be fine." I knew we would.


"Jay! Meet my friend, Youngjae! Y'know, the one you thought I cheated on with." Jay stifled a fake laugh and gave me a small glare. "Hi, I'm Jay..." "Hey... and just so you know, I'm taken. By the male species." Jay fake smiled and held my waist, planting a kiss on my neck. "Well, let's eat."

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