Spicy one shot (2)

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Ladies and Gentlemen, I welcome you to yet another one shot.

Our nominee of the day is: Heeseung

(Today's topic: friends with benefits)

My head was spinning in circles as I stumbled into the lounge, laughing uncontrollably 

"This is CRAZY!!! My head feels light and heavy at the same time." 

"You're drunk, Y/n."

I snickered. Drunk? Me? I was great and handling alcohol. As I threw myself on the couch, I stared up at the ceiling with a stupid smile plastered on my face. Heeseung sat next to me, heaving in a deep sigh.

"What?", I asked. I leaned my head on his shoulder. He smiled and tilted his head to rest over mine.

"I'm gonna have to take care of you for the night now. I can't leave you like this."

His hand caressed my thigh, making me bite my lip. Heat rushed through my body as his hand slowly inched towards my inner-thigh, spreading my legs slightly.

"I don't want to take advantage of your state right now, but you look so hot, Lovey."

I gulped and bit my tongue. My thoughts were a cluster of desperation and embarrassment. But I guess you only live once, so this was my shot. We hadn't hooked up in a month and a bit since we were both so busy. But it was more than that: the feelings I felt when we were intimate had me questioning if we were even friends at that point. It was a dangerous feeling, one that I was willing to experience again.

I slowly stood up and tied my hair, before getting on his lap. He gave me a surprised look as I shrugged off my jacket. 

"Take advantage. I won't mind."

His fingers traced my jawline, cupping my face in his big hands. His thumb grazed over my lips with every intention to tease me. He leaned in and held me closer, closing his eyes. My eyes fluttered shut, waiting for his warm lips to meet mine. But they didn't. I opened my eyes to see him smiling at me.

"I despise you dearly."

He snickered before pulling me into a kiss. His tongue engulfed my mouth, his hand drawing pattern on my back.


He held onto my waist to lower me to the couch, hovering over me. 

"What are you doing!? We can't do it in the lounge, silly goose."

"Then shall we do it in the kitchen? Or the office? I have a very big desk for a reason."

"No!!! I don't want to leave a mess..."

His hands slowly slipped off my underwear, lowering his head to my thigh, licking right under the stop that ached most.

"Don't worry, baby. I don't mind if my future wife makes a small mess."

Future Wife?

"What did you just say?"

"I said 'Future wife'."

I looked down at him with shocked eyes.

"With that being said, can we be more than friends with benefits."

He kissed right on that area.


"I'll take that as a yes."

(Everyone go read your bible, eat your salads, drink your holy water, sing you gospel, hang around church and watch cartoons. It's enough now🥰)

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