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(Tyla goes hard🗣️🗣️🗣️)

My breaths came out in languid puffs, the cool weather turning it misty-white. "Miss Primrose!" I rang my bell. "Yes, your Highness", said the young servant. Her cheeks were rosy as ever, and her make up was smudged. She pressed down on the wrinkles of her dress, and pulled back any loose strands of hair from her ponytail. "Have I interrupted something?" My lips quirked. Walking at a fast pace away from the doorway was Rhys, a bodyguard of mine. "No, your Highness!" She cleared her throat and her face went from blushing to pale. "I know it isn't my place, but I do not advise that you carry out this plan." She set down a black mask. "Miss Primrose, no, Elaine, I love him." Her face softened. "Besides, he's been put in jail for no serious reason. It's unjust." Miss Primrose sighed. "Well, I've delivered your mask, I shall now make my leave." I nodded. "Oh, wait! Elaine!" I nudged her lightly with my elbow. "Rhys likes red wine, not champagne. So, you might want to rethink your drink choices for the garden date you organised for tonight", I whispered. "Your Highness!" I giggled and let her go.


I was dressed in a black skirt and a navy jacket covering my blouse. The jail tower wasn't too far away from the palace, so the travel wasn't an issue. My black mask covered my face to its best, and I put a cap over my tendrils of hair to hide it all. Once I reached the tower, I cautiously opened the door. "Your Highness?" I squeaked. "Rhys! What are you doing here!?" Rhys peered down at me with a stern look on his handsome face. "Shouldn't you be with Elaine?", I muttered. His face turned attentive at the name, and I swore he had hearts in his eyes. "She sent me here to make sure you arrived safe. But, you don't look quite like yourself." My disguise was working. "Don't worry yourself, Rhys. The guards know I'm here. They won't do anything." After Rhys scurried out in a huff to get to his lover, I made it up the spiral staircase to the tipitty-top of the tower. There was only one cell there, and it had been abandoned for a decade or so, until he was imprisoned. And there he was. "Y/n? Naughty girl, why are you here?" "Heeseung..."

He was clad in a raggedy shirt, stained with a bit of blood and pleated trousers. The cell was surprisingly comfortable for an inmate. The walls were covered in a floral wallpaper, white lilies and tulips. His bed had a plush mattress and two heavy blankets atop it, with a tiny nightstand next to it. There was a small couch and coffee table with newspapers and books to read, and an art station tucked behind a cupboard to keep his clothing. "I see that you're comfortable, despite your outfit." He flashed a boyish smile at me, which made me swoon instantly. "Got in a teensy weensy fight with stupid Haru Henna. He can suck a dick." Prison had certainly changed his...language.

"Well, I'm here to break you out." His face hardened. "Darling, that isn't funny. Nor is it practical." I reached for his hand behind the bars. "Technically, it's not breaking you out if the king himself has agreed to it—after much discussion." Heeseung's eyes went hopeful. "I'd like to call it breaking you out because I haven't told anyone that my father agreed. They all think I'm doing something pretty illegal—funny, no?" Hence, Elaine was incredibly worried when I told her about my festivities this night. "But-but I-" "You didn't do anything wrong! You just stood up for a young girl who made a mistake and blamed it on yourself. That deserves freedom, not this", I waved my finger at his cell. "Now, come one, let's get you out."


Heeseung was rather expressive in the way that he thanked me for letting him out of his misery. After a hot shower together and a new set of clothing, he had entireky discarded himself—and myself—from them. Our night clothes were sprawled on the floor as he kissed every inch of my body. "I love you, I love you, I love you", he whispered in haste, as if this moment would slip away. And I didn't fear that it would. I had him now, I would never let him go. "I love you too." He reached up to cup my face. "Do you know what I did the whole time in prison?" I shook my head. He snagged his pants from the floor and pulled out a peice of folded paper. He unfolded it and gave it to me. "I drew and drew and drew." It was a sketch of me. "I tried to distract myself from you, tell myself to try draw something else, but I always ended up drawing you." He tapped the paper. "This sketch was supposed to be of a bird, but I ended up turning the feathers into the dress for you." She kissed my jaw. "I can't describe how much I ache for you. I will bleed for you eternally, my deer. You are my muse, my canvas, my art." He wiped a tear from my cheek. "I absolutely love you." "I absolutey love you too." And the rest of the night was like that, me in his arms as we dreamt of a world with me and him in it. Together.

(I've been a nast girl (nasty), I've been a nasty girl *finger hook*🫦)

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