Spicy one-shot (4)

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(you've been waiting for it, I've been waiting for it. It's none other than NIKIIIIIIIII!!!)

(Jk, it's Hoon. I aint even touching Niki w/ this one)

(Topic: arranged marriage-more specifically, losing ur virginity)

It's been weeks for fucks sake. 6 whole weeks. He hasn't even been so generous to spare me a glance at all recently. Why did we have to hate each other? We could literally just be friends. I knew I had to potentially spend the rest of my life with this man, so I had to make the most of it. "You can do this girl, just barge right in there and give him the time of his life." I took in a deep breath before slamming his office door open.

"PARK SUNGHOON! YOU BETTER LISTEN TO ME OR I'LL-" He glared up at me, his index finger propped against his lips, shushing me. "Sorry, everyone, that's my niece. Teenagers these days are so inconsiderate." My eyes widened. He was in a meeting!? I slowly backed up, trying to get out of the room as fast as possible, but Sunghoon muted his mike and sternly said, "Sit."

Like every other decent human being with dignity and self respect I was immediately sat. I watched him nervously as he continued his meeting with his employees, glancing at me every now and then. He took business very seriously, it was the reason we got married. He needed to have an amazing on-paper image to be able to take on his family's company, and that's where I came in the mix. The youngest daughter of a powerful CEO father and a famous movie producer mother. I was in college, studying space engineering, but my studies were put on hold temporarily due to the marriage. 

I watched as he went on with his work, my eyes locking with his beautiful lips. "Well, I think that covers it. I'll keep in touch with you, Ms Kang. And Mr. Kim, your work needs a little bit more improvement. Try harder next time, it's giving me second-hand embarrassment. Good bye everyone." He shut his laptop and stood up, revealing his outfit. A white dress shirt and fitted, formal, black pants. Zooweemama. (I just cringed at that). His eyes laid on mine, slowly averting to my lips.

"You were a bit harsh, don't you think? He's a rookie, give him a break." His eyebrows quirked. "Mr. Kim? He's a joke, that's what he is. Why do you care so much about this young man?" "Does it matter to you anyways? You don't even like me." He chuckled as if amused and came forward to me to sit down. "What makes you say that? The "no talking to you" thing? You didn't say anything to me either? So, technically that doesn't make you any better. I was just trying to give you space, to let you open up to me on your call." I swallowed hard. The dude was right, I was ignoring him too.

"I must say though, ignoring you was quite hard. You turned me on so much these past few days with your short-shorts and your little crop tops, Cutie pie. And, I've been thinking about that kiss. The one at our wedding. You're a good kisser, but it think your skills could use a little practice." I rolled my eyed"Ugh, rude-" His lips smashed onto mine, hands moving down my back to grope my hips and pull them toward him. "I'll give you a reason to roll those eyes."

"Hoon~~" His lips moved from my bottom lip to my chin, sloppy kisses down to my jaw, and little bites and sucking to my neck and collarbone. "I-wait." Sunghoon's eyes looked up to mine as he stopped fumbling with my t-shirt. "It's my first time. I've never been in another relationship or done this with another guy." Sunghoon smiled softly into the cleavage of my chest, kissing it gently. "Don't worry, baby. You're in safe hands."

Sunghoon asked me to stand up, in which I did. "Why?" He looked up at me whilst taking off my skirt and underwear, asking for permission in each step he made. "Can I kiss you here?" His lips grazed over my thighs, waiting for my answer. "Go ahead." His tongue swirled around my skin, teeth biting into my skin gently, creating small hickeys along my legs. He then stood up, turning me around to unhook my bra that was under his oversized t-shirt that I had stolen from his wardrobe. The bra fell to the floor, making Sunghoon moan lowly in satisfaction. "Are you comfortable to take off the t-shirt? You don't have to." "I...I am." 

His hands gently spun me around by my waist, hands reaching underneath my t-shirt to slide it off. "Wow." I stood in front of him, vulnerable and embarrassed as he basked in my exposed state- not to mention, whilst being fully clothed. "So, first time, huh? I'll go slow, promise. But, are you uncomfortable with specific things? Do you wanna maybe try something specific? Are you cold right now or-" "Can you shut up so that I can get laid?" He gave me an almost-in shock face, before replying softly with a, "yes ma'am." 

His tongue delved into my mouth, flattening against mine. He picked me up with ease, carrying me to his desk to break the kiss. "In the bedroom? Here? Where you wanna go?" "The bedroom..." He nodded and started carrying me again upstairs. He suddenly stopped walking when we reached right in front of the bedroom door. "ready, my love?" "I think so." "I love you." I froze. He loved me? Fuck, yeah he did. "I...love you too." He opened the door to reveal the bedroom decorated in petals and candles, with chocolates and gifts. "You thought I forgot? Happy birthday, my beautiful girl." I smiled widely, taking his lips on mine. "Thank you", I whispered. "Now, time for your present."


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