Fallen Angel (pt.2)

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(RECC: Hoshi_Is_A_Tiger)

"Bullshit!" My cheeks reddened with embarrassment. There was no way that me and Sunghoon...No! This book was a treacherous piece of knowledge. "I must leave." Still, my feet refused to work as I stayed glued in position. "Little girl, exactly what have you done?" his eyes flashed crimson red as he gripped my shoulder. Hard. "What have I done? What have you done?!" I huffed, finally allowing myself to move further away from him. "So you do want to bed me after all, you twisted perverse..." It felt wrong to call him an angel. "Ugh!" His beautiful fangs sunk down on his lips as his jaw clenched. He had very attractive features. A ghost of a smile appeared on his face.

"How about you stop checking me out, hmm? And who said I was the one who made moves on you? You just stood here, objectifying me to a mere pretty face, after calling me a pervert." He arched a brow and played a smirk. I really liked his lips. "Well, I deem myself worthy of doing so. Seeing as I am princess of Lucisco and the mother of your child." Bile rose up my throat. Saying it aloud made things ten times more real. Sunghoon scowled. "We don't know that." "You told me that the book never lies." He sighed. "I'm willing to bet against it--purely for my sake and well-being."

"Come here, princess." The words drove me to almost melting like a puddle. "Why?" He lifted up the sheath of his stiletto dagger. "Your blood." I was done sacrificing anymore blood for this place or for him. "Oh, don't make me beg, angel." The thought alone made my lips twitch. "No," he demanded as if reading my thoughts. "Come now, or I will return you back to your precious mother and kingdom." My smile immediately dropped as I reached for his offering hand. "This is my thirteenth reason why." He gave me a look of confusion. "Trust me, the phrase will be popular."

He noticed my hand tense when he drew the dagger near to my finger. "Scared, little girl?" I shook my head. But, yes, I was nervous. I didn't really like the idea of stabbing myself, let alone letting someone else do it. And I also didn't feel like he was trustworthy at all, especially not enough to take my blood. "Make it quick, Casper." He frowned at the name. Surprisingly, he stroked my palm as he gently pressed the blade to my skin until droplets of scarlet appeared. He then pressed it to the book, and wiped. the rest of the blood off with his thumb. "Now, we will see what my life is like. Maybe the book got lost in translation. If there is a chapter about...love," his nose crinkled. "And you just so happen to be the girl, then we have something to worry about. If not, then we are not royally fucked."

Agreeable statement. He proceeded to murmur the ancient tongue until the book complied and the title changed from Bargains of The Fallen to Casper, the Begotten Angel. 

"Page 732, chapter 51: Damsel in Distress." Sunghoon chuckled. "This one ought to be about you." I scoffed. "Really? I'd have pictured you as more of a damsel yourself. Or at least distressed--it's very telling by the dark circles under your eyes." 

"If the two of you are done bickering, I would like to tell a damn story," read the text of the book. "Geez, sorry." Sunghoon rolled his eyes. "Anyways, let the story begin. If Casper knew anything, it was that him and love mixed as well as oil and water. And while he did enjoy the occasional trysts with Fruticosa, The Fallen Maiden, it was purely for a good laugh and some pleasure. He wasn't the man for dates, flowers, kisses in dark alleyways or even slow, sweet lovemaking. He was the man for a good quickie and a high five."

That made me snarl. How unprepossessing. "That is not true," Sunghoon countered. "I do not do high fives. I'm more of a slap on the back type of gentleman." This was the father of my sweet Imijen. For fuck's sake. "Shut up, Casper, and let me finish my story." The book had quite the temper.

"However, one day whilst strolling--or, maybe creeping--through the woods, he spotted his damsel." Sunghoon smirked. "Told you that it would be you." I rolled my eyes. "Yet, she was beautiful in her tragic state: torn, silk slip gown, mused hair, and a cut lip. But most beautifully tragic of all? Her glassy, teary eyes. "Please! Please don't hurt me," she whimpered. And for some reason, it pulled at Casper's heart strings. "Oh, dearest. You have no idea how scared you look. Truly amusing, honestly. So much bark and no bite?" It was Fruticosa. "She doesn't have to bite when I can clearly do so for her," said Casper. He was standing up for his true love."

"He had met her once before in the church dedicated to none other than himself, where she demanded his--an otherworldly, deathly and dangerous creature--presence. And from that day onward, he thought of her constantly. And here she was; there was no letting go now. "Leave her be, Fru." The Fallen Maiden was confused, concerned even. "But-but she's a human. This is what we do for fun." Casper took a hold of  Fruticosa's forearm. "There's many things I don't like. Like, for instance, people touching what's mine." He glanced at the princess. "Come on, little girl. Let's get you home." HE let go of Fruticosa and left with his girl."

Sunghoon reddened. "This is some bull." Maybe for him, but for me this was entertaining. "Oh, you lovesick poodle. You called me yours!" He arched a brow. "You seem oddly eager." His fingers curled around my wrist. "Care to share why?" I breathed in a shallow, deep breath. His lips hovered directly over mine. "Careful, Fallen Angel. Or I'll assume that you want to whisk me away to make Imijen right this moment." The book's pages rustled loudly in agreement.

"Casper visited her everyday after that, whenever she went for her daily royal equestrian lessons.And on night 43 (yes, he had been counting) he did what he never thought he'd do. He kissed that woman drunk and dry." An image of Sunghoon's big hand cupping the back of my head as he pinned me against a tree trunk appeared in the book. "And on day 398, he built up the courage to pick her up and lead her to his house."

The page showed and image of Sunghoon taking off his shirt as I lay down on the bed, sprawled and ready to "receive." "This very intimate night was a first for Casper. Because it was slow, sensual, sweet lovemaking. Very sweet. He had to be extra everything with his inexperienced girl, until she grew so used to the feel of him penetrating her every single day. This, as you know came to the making of their child." Don't say it. "Imijen the Fallen."

"Now, one would wonder what happened to the family. To the star crossed lovers. Well, in simple terms, Casper left. 'he left his only daughter and the only woman he yearned for. Why? Because, he was a Fallen Angel. And Imijen's life would be so much better if no one knew who her dad really was. Y/n could make up a story if she needed, but Casper couldn't let his sweet baby suffer just because of who he was."

(Pt 3 some other time, I'm tired.)

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