Sunghoon oneshot cuz yummy

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(If you're a book girlie--more specifically a Cruel Prince girlie--then just know that I based it off of that😍 Pls tell me at least one of u are book girlies😭🙏)

I tried to match the long strides of Sunghoon, also known as the High King and last standing heir to the throne. He was part fairy and part vampire. I glanced at the sharpness of his fangs catching the glint of the moon as we hurried along. His gaze was terrifying as per usual, and we made our way to his old home. Hollow Hall. Last time I had been here I was a spy for his late brother, not the High Queen and his wife. His wife. Just the thought made my stomach coil and curl and bubble. "Slow your stride, High King. You can't seriously be running away from your wife." Sunghoon stifled a little giggle and instead gave me a smirk. "Of course not, my nemesis."

It was terribly ironic that the man I had fallen for was the exact same man that I held my knife against. I remember the tip of my blade drawing a little spool of gold-red blood at his throat, the way he shuddered and closed his kohl-covered eyes. He was scared of me. A mortal girl who he claimed was fragile and powerless. I had never yearned for power like that, never felt it seep into me like a goblet of fairy wine or an enchanted geas. Now, he was the one who held my throat at his bare hands, except not for the reasons one would expect. I grinned at the lewd thought. "We're here, my wife." Now, I was standing in front of a palatial estate. Vines hugged at every groove possible, and when I scraped a nail along the stem of its one leaf, whit flowers bloomed. One of the perks of being High Queen. We entered the house and searched for his room.

Sunghoon stopped in front of a door. "My door!" His voice was chipper, as if talking to an old companion. "My King." The gargoyle-faced knob grinned. "And my Queen." She last saw me when I was a spy, then later on a seneschal. Me and Sunghoon entered the room, and just as we thought, there they were. My two brothers. One was my twin, the other a bit older. "Brothers!" I threw my arms around them and pressed kisses to their cheeks. "We wanted to see you before we leave to the mortal world. We will be back in time" Three months away. Not too bad. A tray of marmalade, bread and cheese was on a table, along with the most steaming pot of tea. And, ah, yes. A bottle of fairy wine for Sunghoon. His lips quirked at the sight. "Well, my guests. Let us party."


Thirty minutes later, the home was trashed. Phookas, goblins, hobs, sprites, everyone and thing. Sunghoon had arranged a revel for no entire reason at all. All it took was his drunken body to climb to the tippity top of the roof and shout, "Party at my house! Come or don't, but I can assure you if you enter you will most certainly leave with a woman on your shoulder." I almost forgot Sunghoon's wild sense and tendencies. After he became a king, parties were seldom and meetings were encouraged. But at time like these, where his mouth was pink with wine, golden glitter of fruit smeared on his lips, and elf ears dripped in jewellery, when I remembered who I married. A fucking Grackle. 


Me and Sunghoon were sprawled in his sheets which were slightly dusty with disuse. "You are divine. I used to hate you for it." He tucked a strand of hair behind my ears. The taste of wine coated his lips and he poured his dirty sinful word into my mouth. I could never hide my inexperience, how he had been my first and we'd only done it once. Every time his hands slowly palmed my breasts, I'd squeal. I imagined how many other girls were once in my place. How many other girls kissed his lips as he promised them a night full of revels and scandal. Those thoughts were immediately pushed away at the sight of a pixie entering the room, moaning against a man's strong build.

The pixie girl was almost nude: bare breasted and in a dress of tatters. Her glittery wings fluttered against here bottom, which was also peaking out of her fabrics. The man was a fox-like thing, with ears so furry and a tail that wagged eagerly. "I suppose you'd like to join us," said my husband. What the sigma? (sorry💀) The couple finally registered us and froze. "Your Majesties." They both bowed hastily before scurrying out the door. Sunghoon smirked and kissed against my jaw. "Little love, look at me." I turned my head. "Do me a favour and grab me a pitcher of water. I would like to be sober when I deflower my pretty wife." 

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