Can't hold back- Heeseung

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"It's not love, it's lust in his eyes", giggled Matilde. "Right? He just yanked her into his room so desperately!", said Aster a little too loud. Head Maid Alissa shot the servants a stern look. "Now, now, girls, be careful of what you say. It's inappropriate to make such comments about the marquess and his wife." She cleared her throat and leaned in to whisper, "Although I didn't forget to decorate the room with rose petals and such." The maids giggled as they continued their chores. "I wonder what he's like in bed. Master Heeseung is such a gentleman~ I can't even imagine him being rough." Matilde agreed. "He must be a romantic. All soft and sweet."


Heeseung hungrily kissed his beautiful wife, hands teasing and praising all of her and her femininity. "Love", he bellowed. "You look absolutely delicious." The marchioness giggled shyly. "Oh, baby, don't be so frank! You're making me blush." Of course, Heeseung didn't give two flying fucks. "Do you know the type of fantasies I had on that wretched boat? I could write a novel of my dirty thoughts and dreams about you, and you best believe I'll meet those expectations tonight." He smiled. "My apologies, beautiful." Y/n looked up at him, purely flustered and ridiculously beautiful. "Happy anniversary." The marchioness chuckled. "Happy anniversary, lovely boy."


Heeseung's POV:

The dip of her breast served as an enemy of distraction as I unbuttoned my top. She had this innocent taste to her, like her body was fresh and untouched. But it was oh so touched and teased. I hadn't the slightest idea to what tumbled in and out of her brain, what she thought truly, and what most of her warning eye glares meant—which I had received a handful of recently. But her body I understood. Every little dip and line had been massaged by the curious tips of my fingers, every sensitive, feminine quality licked by my greedy tongue. And yet every time we laid together it was like the unboxing of something new. "Just a warning, I won't be holding back." After a month on that damned ship, with days of work, travel, partying and stress, I had been back where I belonged. And it just so happens to be on our anniversary. Y/n was a sweet delicacy that wasn't to be devoured in one bite, but to be enjoyed slowly and with leisure, unfolding every new taste and texture she had to herself. "Now, help me get off this darn dress of yours. I can't seem to untie it." She laughed, showing that beautiful smile, so blinding that I almost shed a tear. "All you have to do is pull of this one string." She slowly tugged on it, letting the piece of fabric slowly wrap around her body. You're killing me, woman. "Oh for fucks sake, c'mere."

I would be romantic another time, but not this time. This time all I felt was that primal desire to feel on her and take her then and there. Next time I would buy her the prettiest of silks to dress up in, feed her chocolates coated raspberries, kiss her dizzy, and make love to her passionately and sweetly. "Don't look there!" I averted my eyes from her chest, growing a little pink. "I'm sorry, just wanted a peak." Y/n held this tender gaze at me, so sweet and submissive and probably a little dirty. "Well, kiss me already." How I would love that. My hand reached to the back of her head to push it closer to my lips. This was the leading kiss. The kiss that would lead us to the plush mattress of the bed, lead her her to open her legs and invite me into her world, and lead me to indulge in it. Her lips met mine, but as I had grown nervous my lips grew taut and firm. That couldn't be pleasant. "Oh, baby, relax", she whispered against the kiss. Her plump lips teased against the soft bottom of mine, biting lightly against it, winning me over slowly. "Part your lips", she instructed. And so I did. And we kissed each other drunk and dry. We slowly took steps back until her legs hit the frame of the bed. And there it was. I lost my sanity right there. "Oh, yes", I grumbled into her neck before lifting her up and dropping her down on the bed.


Y/ n. How could a woman taste so sunkissed and feel so good, look so godgiven and sound so sexy. Holding onto her hips as I unforgivingly unfolded her, I managed a chaste kiss on her back. We had moved from the mattress to the desk to the couch and now we were onto the wall. I tried to stop my frantic movements and just stand there—still inside of her—and let her take a break. But of course my impatient girl couldn't wait and instead arched her back on me, moaning a low string of curses. "Don't just stop! You said you wouldn't hold back, ya pussy." I laughed and nodded. "That's right." I slowly reached forward to cup her chest. "I won't hold back."

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