movie night with them

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Boy's ready for this

He chooses a movie that's cute, romantic and has a lot of music

Why? Why a lot of music, you may ask.

So that every time a romantic song comes on, he can pull you into a make out session. Duh.

"Ah, another song. What a coincidence."

"Lee, just kiss me. I know you want to."

"Thanks, I was getting desperate."

"Yeah, yeah, just make it quick."


You see, Hoon wasn't about all that 'kissie, romantic movie stuff'

He was a more 'we're going to watch the movie. That's it'

Every time you tried to kiss him, he would move his head

He would also push you away from him

"We can't even cuddle?"


"But I-"




Jake+movies+cuddles+snacks? Perfection 

You guys barely watched the movie, you talked the whole time

He held you super close to him and fed you snacks

He would whisper random nothings into your ear

"I ate your nose."

"Oh? Is it possible to get my nose back?"

"Only if you feed me the MNM's"



Another perfect combo

We all know Jungwon is a cuddler.

a HUGE cuddler

So, of course, this is going to be like every other day

He would hold you tightly, shower you with kisses and drape heavy blankets over you

You would end up dozing off

"Baby? Y/n? You there?"

"Huh? *in a haze*"

"You fell asleep love. I wanted to know if you want to sleep here or in bed?"


"Okay, baby, good night."


There is nothing to write

Snacks, Kdrama, fighting, laughing. 

That's you guys 24/7


You and him decided to watch something a lil scandalous 

Nothing too extreme, but just a bit R-rated

This was just so that you guys had an excuse to:

1. Get in the mood 

2. Pretend to awkwardly turn off the movie

3. Break into a fit of make out's and intimate activities 

(No further comment here. This is my queue to go cry somewhere)


You guys watched a horror film

Niki chose it

This was so that he would have a reason to hold you as you jumped in his arms, scared

He knew your weak spots, and you were his

But was he going to admit that or ask you to cuddle? Nah

This was his master plan

And it worked (obviously)


"Really, dude? Such a baby *so happy*"

"Thanks baby😖."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever😒 (😫😍🥰😘🤭😳🥳)"

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