When you're buff as hell

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(Recommendation from: amiabanana)

(Sorry, I had no ideas whilst writing so the story dry as hell)


This man is DOWN BAD for masculine features on girls

He loves tracing your biceps and kissing them gently

He even starts to get a bit insecure about his own muscles and abs 

He secretly compares his muscles to yours when you're at the gym and gets sad every time

BUT it's hot ngl

"Babe, can I ask you a question?"

"Yes, Lee?"

"How did you get so...ripped?"

"Oh, um...I go to the gym I guess."



Now, we've all seen Sunghoons biceps and I think it's safe to say that he's more ripped then Y/n

BUT it still shocks him every time he touches your arms or toned thighs

He was also very shocked to see your abs

he literally stopped a whole entire "love making" session to question you about your work out

He also tried to do your exercises at the gym (And failed miserably)

"Wow, you're thighs feel like rocks."

"Excuse me?"

"What? They do. It's so unfair. Babe, how about we go to the gym together."

"I only go every now and then. I haven't been there in, like...two months."

"So you work out at home.??''

"Nope, just genetics, I guess."



Oh, he looooooooooooooves it

He finds it so nice to have such a buff badass girlfriend

He also feels somewhat protected when he's in your arms.

He actually encourages you to work out more and get more muscle

You always ask him to come with you to the gym, but he wants to be the baby girl in the relationship

"Babe, I think I'm going to stop working out so much. My muscles make me look kinda like a man."

"What do you mean? You look beautiful."

"It's just...people always look at me weird or say that I'm to toned for a girl."

"Babe! You look perfect like this. Your body is amazing, and wether you have more muscle than most girls or not, you should feel comfortable in your own skin. You look like a goddess."

"You think?"

"Of course, baby. Now, can you piggyback me to the kitchen?"

"Hop on."


It makes him extremely insecure believe it or not

Even though you're not RIPPED, he still finds your sleeper build insane

You have more muscle and probably more strength than him

He's quite skinny and just toned, not that muscly 

It makes him look up to you more. 

But, he does find it nice when he lays in between your thighs because the muscle is just so nice (And not so bony ig?)

"Baby, I want you to teach me how to get more muscle."

"What? Why?"

"You're literally stronger than me. I want to be able to protect you and make you feel safe."

"Aww, babe~~Okay, I'll teach you. Let's go to the gym."

"Right now?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Um...I'll try it out when I'm done watching tv."


He finds it cute.

It's like a masc girl x fem boy relationship

You're more "dominant" I guess, and he just feels so small and cute around you

He enjoys you're body proportions and likes how well you guys compliment each other

He also finds it fun to go out in cute clothes whilst you wear a tank top or sum

"Babe, can you help me open this jar? I can't open it."

"Is it hard to open? Aww, gimme." *Opens with no struggle*

"Thank you hunny. You're that best."

"Of course, love. Anything else?"

"Can you please massage me. All the members are so weak."

"Of course Sunshine. Sit here, let me help you."


He is NOT having it

works out extra days, in between work, day, afternoon, night time, at home, whilst watching tv, etc.

He has to stay more buff than you so that he's stronger, and more protective, so that you can be baby girl cutesy girly sweetie muffin pinkie pie honey gum drop-esque 

He's jealous obv, and isnt afraid to hide it

it takes him a while to get used to it

once he does, HE LOVES IT.


"Hey, Hulk. Wachu doing?"

"Hi Jay...I am getting ready to go for a run. Wanna come?"

"Yeah, but what if some one looks at you."


"Shut up, I just want them to know you're taken."

"Why would they be looking at me anyways?"

"Have you see your legs. and your abs. BFR."


He doesn't realise you're buff for a while

Until he does

and then his life and his tenets vitamins are suddenly useless and nothing to him

He bugs you about it constantly

He always asks you how you got so toned, how long it will take, and how hard it is

no matter how many times you give the answer straight to him, he still asks

he finds it kinda hot though

"Y/n, how did you get so to-"


"Why????What did I do?"

"You keep asking me THE SAME DAMN QUESTION!!"

"But I just want to know. I wanna be like you, baby."


"So how long did it take you to get so musc-"


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