Their fave parts of ur body

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he is IN LOVE with your hair

the way that it feels, the textures, it's just WAH

"your hair is so pretty my love."

"you look like you're balding Lee. but thanks"


he loves your  thighs

not in a perverted way dude (unless... jk jk)

it's comfortable enough to lay down on, therefor it's the most precious part of you

"don't take this the wrong way, but your thighs are... nice."

"Man caught lacking.🤨"


lips, lips, lips, lips.

now we all know this man has pretty lips, so yours just have to be too

i know damn well, this man was simping for you cuz u got pretty lips

he's also a total kisser dude, like he's OBSESSED.

"Your lips are soft."

"thank you good sir."

"wait, i said that out loud-?"


your fluffy ass cheeks

he loves kisses on the cheeks, and he loves your cheeks

the way that they're fluffy and colorful and sweet and cute and lovely and-

"why ur cheeks fluffier than mine hmm?"

"Because God wanted it that way."



your heart. yes you read it right.

he's not there for your appearance, but for you as a person.

the way you are a sweet person, and considersate of others makes his heart skip a beat.

he also likes listening to your heartbeat in order to relax or fall asleep

"You're so sweet. And never forget, you look and are perfect<3"

"I love you sunshine."

"me to."


he loves your neck and collarbones

it's just a fetish that he has, and honestly, me too Jay, me too.

he also loves to peck it and leave hickeys-

"Your neck looks..."

"it looks?"



The centre of your scrumpchous delumpchous dandruftty head.

he loves to pet it, to claim that he's older, or taller

he also likes to rest his chin on it when you're sitting on his lap.

"haha, shorty."

"actually i'm taller than you, and what you're seeing is an illusion.


"Ten-Ten vitamins😘"

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