Fallen Angel (Pt.3)

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I've had just about enough of this book. "I need to go." Sunghoon peered down at me through thick brows. "Where? Back to mommy dearest?" My breath shuddered out of me. I felt sick. I was going to faint. "Anywhere away from you," I said, but started making steps towards him. "Sunghoon~" Strong hands wrapped around my wrists. "Princess, talk to me." "I-I," my vision blurred. "Princess!" My legs started to fail me yet again. "I don't feel well." I slumped against his sculptured abs. Damn, I could probably go skiing down them. In fact, I would very much like to climb this man and cling onto his meaty, bulging- "Little girl, you have to stay awake." I stopped squinting my eyes and nodded. "There's a good girl."

Normally, I would projectile vomit at the thought of a man I met just a few hours ago carrying me to his bed. But, damn, he was hot. And my baby's daddy, possibly mine too-Ugh! Shut up, Y/n. A princess shall never express sexual desire physically or mentally unless in scheduled time of creating a new heir. Mother's voice rang through my head, and is felt sharp like a razor, cutting me limb for limb. "Sunghoon~" the words came out more like a breathy moan than a confused whimper. "Oh, no little girl. There will be no making of Imogen tonight." I gulped. How rude!

"THat's not what I was trying to imply. I just want to know if there's a chance...a chance that the book-" "Doesn't lie? As much as I'd like to believe it, if there's conformation of a predictions in both your and my chapters, then no. The book is not lying." I sighed. "At least you're not Tobias Froddig. He was supposed to be my husband and the father of my child someday. But the man is as ugly as he is whorish--dated many girls before the arrangements started." Sunghoon's thumb ghosted over my hip dip. "Little girl, don't waste your energy anymore. You need rest. You're probably just shocked from the news, is all."

The rest of the journey to his room was quiet and oddly comfy. He held me so kindly that I almost understood why he was the father of dear Imogen. Imogen actually resembled Sunghoon a lot the more I surveyed him. "Mmm, she has the same moles as you." Sunghoon tried and failed to hide his smile. "here," I touched his cheek. "And here," I brushed his nose with my weak finger. "She looks like her papa." Sunghoon's brows raised. "You went from demanding my presence, to begging for my help, to assuming I'm a pervert, to assuming I am a child molester, to raging over me being your child's dad, to soft talking me like this whilst caressing my face."

"Yes. What's your point." He rolled his eyes and stayed quiet. "hmm. I wonder how I ended up bedding you of all people. Interesting trope." I managed a half grin. "Not used to average-looking princesses, Fallen Angel?" He tugged me closer. "You are no average girl, my princess.' I put my hand on his chest. "Calm down, you oaf. We just met." He giggled and then carried on his trip.

After countless flights of stairs and a narrow hallway, we reached Caspar the fucking-Begotten  Angel's room. White, gold, vines, flowers, big bed. Big, fluffy bed. Everything was a blur beside the duvet covered in slightly wrinkled white sheets. "Sleep," I cried. "Of course, my little girl. You can rest right here." He set me down the-Oh my Heavens, this bed was my new home. "Is it possibly to marry a duvet?" Sunghoon tucked a pillow under my head. "Interesting. I thought the princess of Lucisco would surely have the best bedding in the continent." I shook my head. "Lies. We may have big beds, but that doesn't mean they are comfortable." Plush sheets were draped over my body.

"Sunghoon..." I yawned, letting my eyes settle closed. "Yes, princess." He brushed my cheek. "This doesn't mean I like you." He chuckled. "Yes, I know." "But..." I slurred each word with drowsiness taking over me. "This doesn't mean I don't like you either. Still, you may not sleep in this bed with me! Go, go. Shoo, now! Find a couch, or a floor, or a barn." I felt a dip in the mattress next to me. "Uh-uh. This is my bed. You can sleep on a couch, a floor or a barn if you aren't willing to share. Got that, princess?" I clenched my jaw. But there was no leaving this heavenly bed. "Fine, stay. I say that on my own account, not yours." Sunghoon sighed and pressed his lips to my palm. "I promise, I'm a complete gentleman." I rolled my eyes. "Little rascal."


I woke up to the smell of dew and mossy air. There was dirty soil beneath me, and vine's ends tickling my face. "Devil's Fangs, where am-" Sunghoon pressed a finger to my lips. "Little girl, I need you to behave." I snarled. I was cold, dirty, tired, and very sore in my back. "I would if you could just tell me where the fuck I am!" He clamped a mouth over my mouth and drew me towards him. "Listen here, Princess Y/n of Lucisco. If you want to see your precious daughter, I suggest you shut your royal ass up," he whispered. And then, through the vines of the bush, I could see a girl. Beautiful, sweet, dear Imogen. "What. The. Fuck?"

(Pt.4, idk when. Might not finish the series cuz its dry ash)

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