Morally grey

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"How about truth or dare?" Dannie picked up an empty beer bottle. "What are we, teenagers?" Jake, Dannie's husband grimaced at me for making fun of the idea. "At least she's making a goddamn effort!" "Oh, I'm sorry, am I making the alpha angwy🥺?"(womp, womp) Jake scoffed. "You are such a little brat, you know that-" Brat? Me? I was a fucking delight! "You are so incompetent and-" "Oh my goodness, you wouldn't last a second in my shoes-" "Like how you can't last a second in bed?" Jake stood up. "HOW DARE YOU TARGET MY EGO LIKE THAT, YOU LITTLE-" Niki put a palm on Jake's shoulder. "I want you to be very careful about how you're gonna finish that sentence. That's my wife, man." I smirked a little at Jake's bewilderment. "Did you not hear what she said to me?" Niki turned in my direction. "Love, did you cuss him out or insult his mother?" I shook my head. "Then we're good here." 

Niki sat beside me on the carpeted floor and lightly kissed my cheek. "You look beautiful, my love." His hand was rested on my leg, fingers just underneath my skirt. Jake was still huffing whilst Dannie caressed his hair and tried to stifle her laughter. On the other side of the room Heeseung and Sunoo were playing Monopoly, and Sunoo was losing (very loudly). The rest of the couples had retreated to their rooms to do whatever it is that they would do. Oh my gosh. I wanna do that. "Niki?" Jake was arguing with Niki on how he should be mad at innocent old me for being rude. "Listen, Jake, in my eyes she didn't do anything wrong, and my eyes are pretty fucking perfect." 

"Come on, man. We're besties. You're mine! You're supposed to be on my side." Niki sighed and moved close to my ear. "How about you get me something to drink?" I nodded. "Jake, the only person I give more of a fuck about than you is her; and I like kissing her more than you, so I'm gonna take her side." Jake grinned. "Shut up. You wanna kiss me so bad that you had to get a rebound girlfriend. You can never escape this," he made a motion between himself and Niki. "You can never escape our bromance." Ew. Like, brother eeuugh. Niki seemed to have the same thought as he stood up and pinched his nose. "I'm going to need a glass of wine. And you on my lap. Let's go."


In the room, Niki drank his wine, and, yes, I was on his lap. "Why do you force me to spend time with your little freak squad friends every year?" He propped a kiss on my shoulder. "Because, I miss them. And we're free at least twice a year. Plus, if you didn't enjoy it, then you wouldn't come." Niki shook his head. "No, my love, I'd go wherever you go, kill whoever you want to kill, and hurt whoever you want to hurt." Always him with the violence. He massaged my thigh, his other hand cupping my chin between its fingers. God, he was hot. "I only live because of you. Breathe because of you. Hell, I take my ten-ten vitamins because of you." If someone was missing any butterflies, I knew exactly where they were. Held hostage in my tummy. "Now, I would like you on the bed." He placed his empty glass on the table. "Now."

I squirmed off of his lap and onto the plush duvet. "Now what?" Niki followed me to the bed frame of the bed. "Lie down." I did. He kissed my bottom lip, then my top one, them both. He kissed my nose, my jaw, each eyebrow and cheek. My neck, and throat. My jaw. Collarbone. I took note of every tiny nibble of his teeth as his chest pressed flush against mine whilst he held me closer. "You know..." He said in between kisses assaulting my chest as he pulled down my dress and bra. "You know that I respect you, right?" My fingers found their way to the tendrils of his hair. "Yes. Of course I do." Niki nodded. "Good." He pulled down the rest of the dress and my panties. "Because, for the next hour, it's gonna look like I don't." What does that- oh. My cheeks flushed pink. "You can't just say things like that!" I giggled. "No? Why not?" But I couldn't get any more words out when Niki's fingers pressed against my flesh. "That's what I thought. Good girl."

(the way I had to delete two extra paragraphs because they were all too "graphic" iykyk. I think I'm ovulating, help😭)

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