Enha: you choose (N. 2)

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Jays hands rubbed my shoulders as I stood in front of the mirror, tears threatening to escape my eyes. His hands slowly went to mine, pulling them out, stopping me from covering my body. "Jay, no..." He put them behind my back, giving me neck kisses. He then spoke. "Y/N, you're ______"

What did he say:

(The most beautiful woman ever)

(So insecure. For what?)

(Too self-conscious. I need you to believe in yourself 

(Mystery Bonus one🤷‍♀️)

(The most beautiful woman ever)

"Y/N, you are the most beautiful woman ever." I pulled my hands back to hold my waist, feeling exposed. My friends asked me to wear a two-piece swim suit and I said yes, but it was so...revealing. I just felt a little, how do I say this? Ugly. "Jay, please leave, I'm changing into something else. Please. Go." He gently turned me towards him, taking my eyes off of my reflection. "You can wear whatever you want, I won't stop you. But if the reason is because you think you're ugly, I don't think you should change at all." I lowered my gaze to his shoes and let a few tears run loose. His warm fingertips touched under my chin and slowly lifted my head. "Babe, I don't know what it is that you don't like about yourself but...if it makes you feel any better, I  think all of you is perfect." He gave me a tight hug before leaving the room. "Jay?" I said a few seconds after he closed the door. I heard a few playful knocks. He was waiting for me<3

(So insecure. For what?)

Y/N, you're so insecure? For what?" I looked at him, feeling somewhat accused. "I'm sorry. Geez," I muttered. He rolled his eyes and shook me back and forth. "Get it in that small head of yours. You. Are. Hot." I looked at myself in the sports bra and tight gym shorts I was in. It was compressed down on my skin, showing every little imperfection. "I won't go to the gym, that's my solution. I'll watch TV." I turned around to go to the living room but he pulled my arm back. "Babe. No. Don't do that." I grabbed a hoodie to cover my thighs and groaned at him in annoyance. "What, Jay?" He—rather dramatically—scooped me up in his arms. "Y/N, dear" he tucked a strand of hair behind my ear, "you need to look at yourself. Like, look at yourself. You should be confident in yourself. Now, love, I'm not going to sweet-talk you because in the end, my opinion is dip shit. It's about what you think about yourself. Now, I'll be waiting for you in the car." He kissed my forehead and took the hoodie away, before mumbling something to himself. "She's so damn hot."

(Too self-conscious. I need you to believe in yourself )

"Y/N, you are too self-conscious. I need you to believe in yourself." He picked me up and sat me on the vanity table. I tried to hide my cleavage from his gaze. It probably looked unflattering. "I'm not..." I tugged up the small silk dress I wore. I was ever so grateful that my cousin got it for for me, it was lovely. It was lovely on someone else. I didn't hate my body that much but there were certain outfits that made me feel insecure. "Stop that." I looked at him, confused and annoyed. "Stop what?" He took my hand away from my chest. "Stop trying to hide your body, it's nothing new anyways. But still, it's beautiful." I tried to force myself out of his grip, but of course, he was too strong. "Jay. Can you just leave it be. I want to change. I don't like the dress." He scoffed and rolled my eyes before giving me a sweet long kiss. "I know for a fact that you love the damn dress, and you look absolutely gorgeous in it." He left, leaving me flustered. I did like the dress...and apparently I was gorgeous.

(And alas, the mystery bonus)

Y/N, you're, um... I don't think you should wear this." He looked at me through the mirror as I looked at myself as well. "Yeah, it looks ugly." His eyebrows pierced together. "No, not ugly. You just...you shouldn't wear anything at all." I hit his chest playfully before looking him in the eye. "Then take it off for me." He smirked before whispering, "gladly."

(Authors note: to all of my loves who struggle with body-image or self esteem, we're on the same train. Telling yourself not to care or telling yourself to accept all of your "flaws" is not easy, but it's  doable. Let yourself get comfortable with your body or your abilities. Because frfr , every Engene slays. And also, please know that there is at least 100 people on this Earth that think you are absolutely stunning. You've been someone's mall crush, someone's airport crush, someone's idol or superhero and there are people out there that want to be like you. So don't let those nasty voices tell you otherwise, because sweetie bffr. You're gorgelicious)

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