Meeting their parents

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recc by: chaconne_stan_4_life


"Holy shit. Holy, shit, shit, shiiiiiit!" So there I was, clinging onto Heeseung's meaty arm for dear life as we stood outside his parents' house. After contemplating for a while, I spun on my heel and started heading back to the car, but obviously Heeseung pulled me back. "Nuh-uh, you're coming with me." "But I'm scared." Heeseung reassured me that everything would be fine, but there was a weird feeling in my stomach. I gave him pleading eyes. "Just let me go back into the car to touch up my make up, I'll be super duper-" The front door swung open, and standing in front of us was a slightly wrinkly, grey haired woman with a tiny little dog in her hand. "Seungie! My baby boy~~" She hugged Heeseung tightly and Heeseung did too--enthusiastically. The Mother. "Y/n! You have no idea how exciting this is! My trouble maker son finally has a girl who can train him. Come here!" She hugged me just as affectionately as she did Heeseung. "Now, I know you guys are hungry!" She shoved the dog into an older man's hands. Wait, since when was he here? "Mr. Lee?" He held out his hand to shake. "Come on inside, I'll show you all of Heeseung's naked baby photos." I smiled. "With pleasure."


"My mother...she's the opposite of me. Loud, very crazy, fun, embarrassing." Sounds just like Sunghoon on any average Tuesday afternoon. "My dad's more quiet. He's like that nice, sweet husband thats there to calm down his restless wife. He'll be a bit easier to hand around. But trust me, they're both equally eager to meet you." That didn't help one bit. "Babe, where are we going?" He held my hand as we stood in front of an old, crumbling  building. "Right here." I raised my brow. "What are your parents, drug lords?" He ignored my question--which was worrying-- and opened the door. we passed by booths with old aunties and uncles having a coffee and some cakes. Was this a café? "There they are. Umma! Appa!" An elderly couple stood. Sunghoon's mother was dressed in an all red suit, smiling ear to ear as she ran to our direction, whilst his father proudly smiled, dressed in beige and white. Sunghoon held his arms wide open for his mother, but she dashed past him and engulfed me in the sweetest embrace. "Aigoo, you beautiful girl! I've been so eager to see if you had an ass, and safe to say that you do! You must make our Sunghoon happy!" I blushed, flustered. "Please ignore my wife. She's running on no sleep and numerous shots of espresso. Now, may I ask, tea or coffee?" Sunghoon's mother hauled me to sit down. "Tea would be great, thank you."


So, we had flew all the way out to Melbourne just to see Jake's parents. I had met his brother prior to this, and Jake described his father to be like his brother, so technically I had the gist of one of their personalities. He called his mother every week, and from the way she talked, she seemed like a sweet lady who loved all the tea (and I'm not talking about the drink🫢). Now, we were sitting in a restaurant that Jake used to love as a kid. "Love, have you ever told your parents about me? Like, do you ever mention me or talk about me briefly?" "Briefly? You're all he talks about." I whipped my head around to see Jake's father grinning at me. Mrs. Sim was behind him slightly, holding his hand and mischevioulsly nodding her head in...approval? Was she checking me out or something? "Mr. and Mrs. Sim! It's so nice to finally meet you." Mr. Sim extended his hand out to shake mine. "The pleasures all ours. Right, dear?" The pretty and fragile-looking woman flashed me an excited smile. "Yes! I finally get a daughter of my own. I've been stuck with boys so long that I think Im starting to act like one." I giggled and gestured for a handshake too, but she waved it off. "What are you, my landlord? Gimme some sugar?" She pulled me in for a hug and kissed my cheek. "Now, Y/n, tell me, how did the two of you meet." We all sat down. "Well..."

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