When they're needy

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(In Niki's case, it could be for kisses and attention)


He sat on the edge of the bed, contemplating his next move. "Should I ask her if we can...? No, she's probably busy. Plus, it would be awkward." That was the descision he was supposed to stick to, but he didn't. He couldn't. I mean, look at you—he was mesmerised. He—after much procrastinating—mustered up the courage to go ahead to talk to you about it. But he didn't even have to mutter a word. His "situation" in his sweatpants was already telling.

"You horny?"

"How did you-"

"You have an unfortunate event unfolding in your pants, Lee."

"Well, you wanna fuck or...?"

"Ewww, don't say it like that, be a gentleman. Like, old fashioned and courteous."

"Oh, right...My, my, dear. It appears the exposition of thine ankle hath tempted my soul."

"Okay, Shakespeare, I see you boo."


He rarely ever got horny first, like rarely ever. But you were testing the waters with him today. Your scandalous outfits, flirty eyes, sliding your hands up and down his chest, giving him hickeys; it had him in shambles. He hid his...lil junior that was poking out of his pants hidden under a pillow, waiting for it to calm tf down, but no, his neediness only got worse. He thought about quickly handling his situation by himself in the bathroom, but that wouldn't be as fun, right? So he had to ask for some help.

"Baby? Y/n, c'mere."

"Yes, Love?"

"You know how I washed the dishes today. And how yesterday I did the laundry, fed Gauel, cleaned the house and did grocery shopping. Oh, and how much I love and care for and ad-"

"What do you want?"

"Um, to act out the lyrics to 3D or Seven, your pick.

"Champagne confetti~~" (stream 3D cuz everyone and their grandma loves the song)


If there was one thing about Jake, it was that no matter how shy or awkward he could be in general, he had a certain hunger for doing the nasty. He wasn't even afraid to drop the bomb straight down on you. He even got all sassy at some point like you was gonna say no💀 Bro even brought Layla in to intervene.

"Jake, I'm sorry, but you're busy and you-"

"Boo thang, don't worry about no work schedule. We too slay for that bae."

"But, love-"

"'But, Love' nothing. Ion wanna hear it. Let's go."

"Jake you have an important-"

"Wait, let's ask the higher ups for an opinion. Layla, c'mere girl. Do you think I have the right to smash your mom right here and right now."

"*wags tail and barks happily*"

"2 against 1, loser. Suck it. Or you could suck something el-"



"We're married, it's fine. I'm aloud to have these needs. It's normal." He tried to reassure himself. Let's just say it wasn't working out in his favour. He was so used to you gently tugging on his shirt to shyly and cutely ask for it. But now that it was him who wanted to ask... "She's my wife. My Wife." He heaved a deep sigh and sulked for a good 20 minutes.

"Baby? Why are you pouty?"

"Oh...it's nothing."

"Baby, it's obviously something. You're worrying me. Tell me, baby. I promise you can talk to me about anything. If you-"


"Um, sure I guess."

"Did I mention how hot you are? Cuz you're absolutely insanely sexy. Like, I actually have so many unholy thoughts every time I look at you. Um, duh."

"Oh. That's nice."


Lingeries. The effect it had on men. Sunoo stared your body up and down, trying to control any specific nerve in his body telling him to walk up to you and smash his lips onto yours. He felt himself twitching in anticipation, his heat and infatuation growing slowly more by every other second. His eyes were incredibly obvious though.

"Why are you staring at me like I have the key to all your dreams squished in between my cleavage."

"That's exactly why. Maybe you should take off that top."

"Sunoo, stawp. I'm gonna go take a shower."

"Without me🤓"

"You did not just say that. Stay here, that was nasty as hell."


"Dishes? Come here baby, let's take a shower together~"


He was going to be absolutely blunt and straightforward about it. You sat down on the couch, skirt hiked up, tight crop top slanted to reveal your bra strap, and that beautiful face there on display for his eyes only. It was obvious that he was gonna be feeling something. He was about to approach you, kiss your neck and seduce you into submission, but a sudden shyness took over him. So, instead, he just stared at you, unable to form words.


"I uhhhh- well, well, well , would you look at the time, better go exercise!"

"We could do some together, on the bed😉🫦"

You know him all too well. You know he was horny.

"Are you sure?!"

"Fuck yeah. Get that pretty ass in the room. Now."


He was used to your constant kisses, hugs, cuddles, everything. But today...he got nothing more than a morning peck. You were busy with work calls, switching from one meeting to the next. The only time you'd have would be on Friday. Friday was too long of a wait, and Niki was desperate for you. He had to ask for something.


"Love, I'm  busy."

"Two minutes. Helap me out. I'm desperate."

"Come here. We can cuddle whilst I-

"Kiss my face and tell me all the reasons why you love me? Sure, I guess, why not."



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