Clothes Shopping with them

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You both love to shop and you both have money to spend

So obviously you're going clothes shopping

Heeseung loves to look for matching or similar outfits for the both of you

He especially loves recommending dresses for you

"Take the red dress! Please, Lovey!"

"It's too tight. It won't suit me."

"Girl, please stfu- You're so beautiful dumbass. Try it on and let's see."

"Were you complimenting me or....?"


You guys usually only shop online

But when you go out (which is rare cuz y'all hiding from the sun) it's a BIG DEAL

you have to look perfect, smell like roses, be that cute aesthetic couple and everything

You have to first find your preferred items of clothing online so that you can get in and out as quickly as possible 

"Okay. Do we know exactly what we want?"

"Yup. Let's try our luck and see if we can avoid human contact."

"Sounds good to me."

"Hold my hand. We're entering a hell zone. Ready? Let's go."


You guys can NOT shop together 

Your style in clothes are too different

You both love dressing each other up but the difference in style- wow

He always recommends clothes to you that you thing looks like dog dookie 

And the same gos for him

"Jake. Wear this!" "Y/n. Wear this!"

"Oh..." "yeah, no."

"Maybe we should just buy things for ourselves."

"I agree. Meet you in the food court at...14:30?"

"Deal. McDonalds right?"




You guys don't shop often because you're both cheap as hell

When you do though, it's so fun

You have a cute little routine:

1. Get a light snack (chips, chocolate, biscuits, sweets)

2. Choose two shops each that you would like to visit

3. Take pictures and try on clothes that you probably won't buy (cuz y'all act like you're broke)

"Y/n, Babe! Look how cute this top is!"

"Aww, we should buy it. Let me check the price. Okay, it's- AAAAAH!"

"That bad?"

"They might charge us for touching it."

"L-E-T- APOSTROPHE-S-G-O. Let's go."


Omg YES (shopping + Sunoo= chefs kiss)

You guys are absolutely couple goals when you shop

You know each other's styles and get the best matching outfits 

When you need help picking out a dress, OMG he's THE ONE

You guys also take the cutest pictures at the shops

"Sunshine, this is so cute. You bought this for me?"

"Yep, I know you'd love it."

"You need my help picking out a dress, don't you?"



You guys don't shop at the mall normally

Only online shopping because Jay believes "princesses should have everything at their doorsteps."

But if you guys are going to the shop, there's only one place ur going:

The lingerie shop🤭💀😍😻✨🤓🫃

This man LOVES going here. It's like an early birthday present

He basically buys the whole store and makes you try everything on at home for him

"Okay, this is the red one. What do you think."

"Holy shit..."

"I know, it looks weird. It's barely covering anything-"

"Wear this every night, PLEASE"

"Wtf💀 I'm on my period for the rest of the year, sorry."


You guys don't even go out unless you're trying to get banned from a place

When you do shop, it's like shopping with your mom

He always tells you the things that you want is too tight or too revealing 

He also chooses the most OUTRAGEOUS outfits for you just to tease you

But you (being the goddess you are) always buy him cute/expensive outfits

"You...bought this for me?"

"Yeah. I'm sorry, it's kinda cheap but-"


"Oh, I didn't realise. *cutely giggles*"

"Damn, I just got you clown shoes..."

"Same shit ever day😒?"

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