"Just one night, right?"

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"Don't you dare!" I shot my friend a warning glare as she poured more liquor into my glass. "I can't have more alcohol. I'm your designated driver, remember?" Jovan—my very drunk friend—shushed me. "We're staying at the hotel. I promised the manager a bj in exchange for a en suite." Oh! That's not... "So, drink up", Jovan cheered. Might as well. I took a quick shot and rushed into the crowd of dancing people, drunken and alive and enjoying themselves way too much. I, on the other hand, wanted to find a comfy booth and have sophisticated wine whilst sitting on the lap of a very adorable man. I stumbled my way through the crowd to the bartender. "Something without alcohol, please." The bartender shot me a funny look. "So...a chocolate milkshake?" My eyes lit up at the words. "Yes! A milkshake!" The bartender nodded with a small smile plastered on his face.

"I think you just made that guy's day." I whipped my head to the right, to see a tall figure taking a seat on a barstool. "Hi", he whispered. "Hey." Heat simmered at the core of my stomach, making my thighs press together as I tried to calm myself down. "A milkshake, huh?" His twisted expression was more like a grin. His muscles flexed under his tight work shirt, the top few buttons undone. His pleated trousers hugged his fit thighs as he slightly manspread. Normally, that was unattractive, but this man could make taking a shit look otherworldly. "I prefer having my wits about me at times like this." He sipped on a sparkling clear drink, his pink lips drawing my attention. I suddenly made a realisation. "My apologies. I'm so rude! Um, my name is Y/n." He waved off my apology. "Heeseung. "

Heeseung. Heeseung. Heeseung. Every time I said it in my head, a tension in my stomach unfolded. "Deflower me", I blurted out. Heat immediately rose to my cheeks as I realised I said that aloud. "Yeah. Deflower her, bro." The bartender smirked and winked as he handed me my milkshake. "Deflower? As in...well, y'know...?", he questioned. Yes, that would be the one. "I'm so sorry. I say irrational thing when I'm drunk!" Heeseung's lips twitched in a smile. "But you're not drunk. You like keeping you wits about you, especially in times like this", he said with a mocking hint to his velvety voice. "Ahahaha, oops! Did I say drunk? I meant to say that I'm high." Naaaaaaaaah, I did not just say that. "No you're not." "No, I'm not." I chewed at the straw in my milkshake. "Well, Miss Y/n, you'd be pleased to know I'm actually not against 'deflowering you'. I mean, just one night, right?" 


He kissed right under my navel, swirling his tongue around my skin. Our clothes were discarded and thrown to the floor, now it was just skin on skin. I lazily tapped on the key board of my phone. "I need to text Jo", I whimpered. The phone fell from my grip. "You taste like milkshakes", he moaned into my flesh. "And you smell like vodka", I joked. He grinned against me, before moving lower to my thighs. "Ready?" I nodded. "So fucking ready."


"Jo! Don't. You. Dare." Jovan completely ignored my warning and fed Ga-eun a spoonful of rum. The baby cooed in delight. "Just like her mama, she looooves rum." I do not love it. I just indulge in it on a daily basis. "Looks who's here", Jovan teased. Heeseung walked into the room in nothing but grey sweatpants. His face was puffy and his eyes still drooped with the right ratio of tired to sexy. "We have a guest, baby?" I nodded. "Jo's babysitting Ga-eunnie!" Jovan made a proud sound. "You're welcome, you brats. Now, whilst I spend time with this drooling dumpling you guys get to smash." We were going to spend a few nights at the hotel that we met in for our anniversary! And the first place we hooked up. Same room and everything. "Well, I'll get showered and we'll be on our way", Heeseung said, but not before giving my butt a playful spank.

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