Spicy one shot

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Today we nominate...Jake!!! For our first spicy ones hot of the month (everyone pls clap for him)

(Todays topic: stalker)

You had a stalker. A rich one for sure. Every other day you had parcels and deliveries of expensive gifts, bags, clothes, foods. Your room was flooded with materialistic things. And each time there was a note. "I loved your outfit today. Pink suits you." "Your hair should be let down, Love. You'll get a headache." "You're so hot when I look at you through your window." "Missed me?"

You tried to take it up to the police but you were constantly called paranoid and annoying. Maybe you were. Maybe this was some sick prank your friends were playing on you. But where were they getting this money? This went on for a month until finally you got a new note with a Vivienne Westwood jewellery set.

This is my phone number, ma. **********. Use it how you like. I'd love to see your beautiful face on video call. -your admirer 

You sighed. Might as well call him. You put on your pink night gown and let your hair down before adding his number to your contacts and video calling him.

Ring. Ring. Ring.

"Hello, Y/n."

"Thanks for all the gifts I guess. What are you. A drug dealer?"

He chuckled, "You're adorable, my love."

"Why are you stalking me?"

"I wouldn't call it stalking. I'm just...observing you."

"You're repulsive. And why won't you show your face? Do you look ugly?"

"I wouldn't say so." He sighed before shuffling his position.

"You're outside my house? Are you in my tree?!"

"It's so comfortable here, Love."

"Show me your face, ugly hoe."

"Language," he said with a deep voice


He grunted  before sucking in a sharp breath

"You know I can't say no to that cute voice of yours."

He angled the camera to his face.


He was beautiful. Absolutely, insanely handsome. Your breath stopped in your throat. You forgot that hot people could be so twisted. He smiled as you stared, ogling his lips. 

"Having fun, baby? You're drooling."

"What's your name?"

"Jake, but you can call me baby."

"Get your ass in my room, Jake."

Yes, this was a stupid idea, but damn, this man was the one. You ran to open your window and waited for his arrival.

Once he was in your room and infront of you, your knees were weak.


Jake's hands circled your waist, his lips coming in contact with your cheek. "Hello."  Your breath hitched as he lightly pulled you closer to him by your hips. Your arms slowly went up to hang around his neck. This was insane. You were supposed to be calling the police or shooing him out of your house, but no, your horny ass was trying to get laid by your own stalker.

"Are you going to stalk me forever."

"I don't know. Maybe one day I'll move on." He moved closer to your ear. "Or maybe you'll fall in love."

Perfect. Just perfect. You were falling for his words slowly. This was the most  abnormal situation ever. But hey, he was HAWT.

Jake's hands slowly cupped the back of your thighs to lift you up slowly sitting down in the edge of the bed with you on his lap, kissing your lips gently and sweetly. Of course he was a good kisser. This was not good.

As his hands slowly sunk into the waistband of your underpants, you knew it was over. You had no self-respect. You stopped his hands from slipping them off and looked him in the eyes. 


"Yes, baby."

"Sim Jaeyun, born 2002 15 October, 21 years old, born in South Korea and raised in Australia. And lastly, the person I stalk."

His eyes widened in shock as he finally put the pieces together. You were always looking at pictures of someone and kissing it every night before bed. It was a picture of him.

"Dumb bunny."

"Sly fox."

You smiled before he slipped of your under garments, kissing down you neck.

The noodle strap of your nightgown seductively fell off your shoulder.

"You ready."

"Hell yeah."

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