Island holiday-Niki oneshot

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(Recommended playlist: Victoria Monet JAGUAR album)

Niki pov:

Golden chains wrapped seductively around her waist, her white two-piece dress now turned orange by the sun's tint. "Close your eyes", she whispered in my ear. "Baby..." I could feel her slowly descending to sit on my lap. Her warmth encased my thighs, her curious fingertips searching for any sweet spots on my skin.

Everyone had retreated to their own villas on the beach, luckily out of ours. The lounge must have been trashed with red cups, snacks, bottles and other party waste. But that wasn't really the main focus, was it? Her nails grazed the dip of my collarbone, whilst the other hand rested on my shoulder. "Have I ever told you..." she kissed my neck sensually. "You're so handsome. So beautiful." 

Her thumb pulled down on my bottom lip, encasing it in a short kiss. "Can you taste it, baby?" She held my face in her delicate hands. As we made eye contact, I saw a glint of mischief in her eyes. She bent down to kiss me again, her tongue delving into my mouth. I didn't mind being her pass time, especially since she was a little tipsy. "Mmm, I can. Dark chocolate." She wrapped a lock of her hair around her finger, smiling against my lips. "Correct."

She tried to stand up, but fell forward against me again. "You're drunk." She looked up and me before making her way to her feet. "All the more reason to enjoy tonight. It might make up for the migraine I'll be facing tomorrow." I stood to look down at her; oh she was beautiful. Plump pillowed lips, sweet tendrils of hair falling lazily over her shoulders, her  cleavage peeking through her bikini top-piece. I let my finger press at the top of her cleavage, and then slowly travel down her  little trail of scandal until I was able to yank her by the outline of her clothes. "I'll make it worth your while."

The waves crashed against the shores, and the smell of fresh salty water filled the air. Sitting her down on the chair, I crouched down to the ground. "Spread 'em" I tapped her thigh. She was shamelessly quick to obey, and i took a quick naughty peek. A patch of wetness soaked her undergarments. "Oh, there's so much to work with, dear." "Niki~" 

I couldn't hold back from penetrating my hand into her panties, and sliding my fingers between her flesh. "This is absurd, Niki!" Yet she still moaned in utmost pleasure. "Niki!" Ah. That was more like it. To hear her honey-sweet voice pour my name out of her mouth was like mini eargasm. "Shh. You don't wanna wake up everyone else, do you?" The crackle of a bonfire on the sandy beath crackled loudly, the waters fighting to reach further up to that part of the shore. "Even the beach is complaining." I plunged deeper. Her mouth was agape. "Now, are you still drunk?"

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