The irony of us (short Jungwon imagine)

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It was morning and you were late for work. You had just woke up not so long ago, but Jungwon was already gone. You walked down the stairs after finishing brushing your teeth and washing your face. You fumed with frustration and anger when you saw Jungwon watching cartoons on the TV. "HEY YANG!" You yelled from across the room. Jungwon knew that you had to go to an important meeting today, and that being late was not an option. But here he was, watching Tv, when you were wasting your time— despite the fact that he could of helped you. "Oh, Y/n. You're late btw," he sighed "so irresponsible." You were gushing with annoyance and spite. "Yang Jungwon! You knew this meeting was the world to me, and yet you didn't wake me up? Are you dumb or something? How could you-" and I was cut off, "Shut up, Y/N! It's your fault that you're late. Don't be mad at me because you jeopardised your meeting." His voice was clear and sharp. It cut through you like a peace of sharp glass. "Jungwon," your voice was trembling, "you're being so unfair. How could you be like this. Couldn't you have told me that after I attended the meeting? The irony of you, I swear!" It was all flooding out with your tears. You hadn't told Jungwon that you had been preparing this day for a month now, you only told him that this day was very, very, very important . He looked at you with complete disgust. "You're really crying? Stop being a damn baby and get your life together, you fricking toddler!" He had never been this harsh and he was always so understanding. What is wrong with him. "Just stop, Y/n," tears were now forming in his eyes, "all you do is rely on me! I can't have you strapped to me like a sloth,so stop being lazy! Just be the independent person you were! Why is it that hard? Ever since last month, I had to do everything in the house, cook, clean and even buy groceries!" "Well, who was doing that for all years and years Jungwon? Huh? Ever thought of that? It's been a damn month Jungwon! A month! And you couldn't even be here for me for more than that." You were at your peek. You were ugly crying, the meeting was now shit to you. The fact that Jungwon couldn't even take care of you for more than around 4 weeks was heartbreaking. After those years of supporting him with his career, he still didn't have the heart to support you. Jungwon saw your state and a mixture of bile and guilt rushed up his throat. He hesitated at first, but then finally hugged you to his chest. "I have no idea what my problem is. I am so so sorry angel, I'm such a horrible boyfriend! I didn't mean it at all" his breaths were heavy and short, "I-I just got overwhelmed and I thought teaching you a less-" he was cut off by your lips meeting his. It was warm and soft, but a bit hard. You were a bit rough because a part of you was trying to shut him up as well. When you parted, you heaved a deep sigh, "you're still a fucking bitch, but I guess I'm attracted to bitches like you." He let out a small giggle between sniffs. "But you know, that was still pretty uncool Yang. I now have to work another month for that damn meeting." He looked down and held your hand, "I know, and I am very sorry Y/n. I promise to take care of you and do better this time, I love you." "Me too Yangie~~" Turns out y/n got the date wrong, but she didn't tell Jungwon to make him feel guilty. Oh wow, the irony of these two

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