When u get a Nightmare👻👻

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(You wake up in cold sweats, whimpering and breathing heavily, causing them to wake up too)


It takes a while for him to register exactly where he is

But once he hears sniffling, his attention is entirely fixated on you

You're immediately in his arms, getting a reassuring back massage

He would whisper sweet things into your ear, reminding you that you are home with him

To ease your anxiety, he would sing a song for you

"Better? Or should I keep singing?"

"You really don't have to worry about-"

"Old McDonald had a farm, eeaeaa-ohhh~"

"How did you manage to make that sound majestic😒"

"What can I say, what can I sayyyy"


At first, he thought you were just being your noisy, dramatic self

He would shove his hand I your mouth to shut you up, until he felt we tears on his hand

His entire demeanour changed from "stfu or I will draw a picture of myself using your blood" to "omg are you okay uwu🎀✨💖🐇"

He would calm you down by making his HORRENDOUS dad jokes

"What does a cat have for breakfast?"

"Sunghoon, please, sh-"

"Mice crispies! Hahaha!"

"You've said that joke so many times before? How are you still laughing?"

"Fine. What's a cat's favorite-"


"Tough crowd."


When he heard you, he sighed and pulled you towards him

He knew exactly what to do in this situation

He took off his top and had you hug him

He told you to squeeze onto his biceps to calm down, whilst your face was just actively buried in his chest


"*muffled noises*"

"Sorry, love, what? Maybe take your head out of my chest."

"I said 'Can you please choke me with your chunky arms next' and what about it?"

"I thought you were scared. I guess not anymore, so I can put my shirt-"

"Do you want to get a divorce?"

"Got it. Top stays off."


He pretended he didn't hear you at first

It's not that he isn't caring...he's just bad with comforting 

How? Well, he ends up somehow being the one who needs to be comforted 

But, after hearing what sounded like a panick attack, he had to check on you

Big mistake.

"I had this dream, Wonnie! It was horrible. You died, and I witnessed it, like, right in front of my eyes. I had nobody, and-"

"I d-died? I just left you there to fend for yourself? What's wrong with me?! I-I'm a horrible husband. Someone kill me!"

"Wait, no-"

"I'm so, so, sorry, baby! Forgive me, I am the worst person ever! I don't deserve you!"

"Um, whatever floats your boat I guess."


So, Sunoo kinda also had a nightmare

Now, you would expect the whole comforting each other thing

Nah, not in this day and age

Since capitalism is more well-known than socialism, it's all about competition (that's a whole other discussion)

"Well, I'm sorry you had a nightmare too. Mine was about witnessing my mothers death, but, still, sorry..."

"Oh, well mine was about you dying so..."

"Aww, babe, poor thing. Even though seeing your own mother die is more traumatic."

"Wow, you always try to make it a competition."

"This is not a team. This is competition."

"We're literally married. That's as much of a team that one could get.☠️"


He was busy admiring your face until your eyes fluttered open

Wet eyes. Teary eyes. Teary eyes?!

He immediately bombarded you with 10 questions at a time before you could have time to calm down

He then pulled you in for a hug, kissing you temple as much as he could

"You're safe. You're home. You're in my arms."


"You're my girl. My sweet girl. I'm so sorry that you had a nightmare."

"I-it's okay."

"Shh, let me sing you a lullaby. That will help."


He was (surprisingly) calm about the situation 

He sat you up and made you repeat affirmations to yourself

When you calmed down, he asked you about the nightmare

Kissing your neck, he would stroke your back gently to relax you

"We can make a cake. We can watch something. We can pray. Hell, we can dress up and do each other's makeup."

"Thank you, baby. You're a sweetheart."

"Of course. As long as you're relaxed and feel safe. You deserve at least that much."


"My girl can have kisses whenever she wants."

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