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I brought my basket filled with skincare products and dumped it down on the bed in front of Heeseung. He lost a bet we made, and now he had to agree to do skincare with me. "Excited?" He frowned and pouted. "Oh come on, you do skincare all the time." He scoffed. "By that, you mean wash my face, put toner, and then sunscreen. Lady, what is wrong with you?" He picked up three different brands of the same product. "This is what we like to call addiction." I rolled my eyes and got up close to him. "Baby, if you do this..." I got closer to whisper in his ear. "I'll workout with you. Here, on the bed." Heeseung immediately put on his head band to slick back his hair, a wide smile on his face. "So, where do we start?"


Sunghoon had just come back from tour in Germany. He loved every part of it, from the culture to the people, the buildings, the food-he wouldn't stop talking about it. But, he missed the warmth of his country. The coldness definitely affected his skin a lot for some reason, and he had cracked lips and break-outs all over his face. "Oh, my goodness. This will take some time." He sighed. "That bad, huh?" I—being the selfcare queen that I am—was prepared for the task. I sat on his lap, letting him rub and play with my back or hair. I added his toner, dark-mark serum, night cream, and a mask that I made from scratch. He applied some of the mask for me too. "Aren't you just the luckiest boy in the world. Tsk, tsk, tsk. Not even a thank you is crazy." He leaned in to kiss my neck. "When we wash this shit off, I'll thank you in one very special way."


He has always been the type of boyfriend to do anything with me if I asked. But, skincare was our ultimate bonding experience. We would sit down in our living room on the floor, our products laid out in front of us. "Jake, babe, where's the drunk elephant cream that I thought you bought?" He sighed, embarrassed. "Two little kids jumped me and snatched it out of my hand." I rolled my eyes. "Sephora kids." He picked up a cream and smeared some on my nose. "Cutie pie." I giggled. "Kiss me." He leaned in and kissed my lips gently. "Okay, now we can start." Jake lifted up a head band to put over my head. Whilst doing so, he lost his balance and fell on top of me. "Babe?" He was smirking. "What a convenient position", he said, brushing his lips over my cleavage. "Forget the skincare, I wanna feel you."


He sat on a chair as I sat on his lap. "How do you have so many things, y/n?" I shrugged. He was in a playful mood tonight. He would randomly dip his fingers under my shirts and my underwear, tease me in places that I didn't know would need teasing, licking and kissing my shoulder to my earlobe. "Jungwon? Enough." He shook his head. "This is how I do self care. I get laid." I couldn't argue with that logic, it was too academic and smart. Such a deep man. He moved my hips back and forward on his lap as I struggled to do anything to his face. "Wonnie, b-behave!" He smirked and stopped. "Fine, ten minutes, but after that don't expect me to be sitting in this chair still.


He had more skincare than me, obviously. He sat me down on the bathroom counter, applying everything he had. "Babe, I'm so jealous. You have so much nice stuff." He kissed my lips and snickered. "What's mine is yours." I smiled and looked in the mirror. "Babe?! My skin?! It's so...perfect!" I squealed in excitement and hugged him tightly. "I am so, so happy! Thank you!" He smiled and waved it off. "It's nothing." I shook my head. "No, it's not. What can I do for you? I need to give you something." He looked up shyly. "Actually...I did have something in mind."


He sat on the edge of the bed, shirtless and sulking like a baby. We had different plans for our night, mine being I little bit more pg 13. "Look up at me." I applied another product. Jay rolled his eyes as I continued to play close attention to applying his skincare. I was in between his legs, his hands cupping my butt . I moved from his face to his lips. I applied a lip balm and an instant-repair lip therapy moisturiser. "Now, all we need to add is honey." "What about your skincare." I shrugged. "I don't really use anything. My skin is so sensitive. I can only use natural things." Jay smirked. "I know what you can use for your face. Wanna milk me dry?" I stared at him in shock. "Um, sir, what the flip🤓🫵." He ignored my reaction and started kissing down my stomach. "Come on, let me take care of you now."


He was gaming as I added each product on his face. "C'mere baby. On my lap." I sat down on his lap and continued to add the products. "Good girl." He cupped my face with one hand and frenched me. "What's that for?" He shrugged. "Missed you, I guess." I blushed a bit and bit my lip. "Oh-I see." When I was finally finished witch his skincare, I took off his head band as he continued to watch his game play. "Well, uh...I guess I should go then." I was about to get up, but Niki threw his controller to the side and stared at me with hungry eyes. "You're not going anywhere", he whispered. "I have a few plans for us."

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