When you talk about having a baby

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Pays attention to you

Listens to ur pros and cons and considers it

Not sure if he wants children, but it makes you so happy

"Hmm, maybe babe. I could consider it..."

"REALLY?! That's so sweet✨❤️"

"Anything for my sunshine


Doesn't listen

You lost him at your second sentence

He's completely zoned out 

"Are you listening?"

"Yes! No? Maybe...? No, I wasn't."

"Lil bitch."


Has always wanted a mini him

Gets all happy and excited when u mention it

Giggling about having lil babies for Layla to play with

"If it were a dude, I would name him... Asher and a girl would be-"

"Jake! I just wanted to know if I should still take the pill..."

"Huh? What? Oh, idk u choose. Hmm, I need to brainstorm girl names. Bye!"


Shy and blushing

Wants a child but the subject makes him all shy and reserved

He tries his best to act normal

"But do u know how babies are made Y/N baby?"


"Okay, I see. Your brain needs a nice good old clean"


Has no comment 

Just listens and nods

Doesn't mind either 

"So... Watchu think?"

"Whatever u want. Not my body."



Ready as hell

Has an empty room just in case

Wants a baby soooo bad but won't admit 

"Want a baby?"

"Eh, I guess."

"You guess?"

"Yeah, we'll have to renovate A few rooms, ehh who cares.

Niki is for another timeline

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