Forbidden Love (Pt 1/hyung line)

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(This one is looooooong)


I shouldn't be doing this. It's wrong, it"s disgusting, it's...I'm not even sure. "I should leave." I rolled over to the other side of the bed, picking up my clothes to replace it with Heeseung's oversized shirt. "You don't even love him, Y/n. It's a contract marriage, and for fucks sake it's tomorrow! You are leaving me —us— tomorrow and all I'm asking is for a final few moments with you. Mami, please." I looked back at him and a future filled with his face, cuddles on the couch, baking cakes together, holding two sweet babies in our hands, going on family trips and so much more flashed before my eyes. I wanted him. Not anyone else, no matter how wealthy, hot, or perfect. I just simply wanted Heeseung. "I can't-we can't do this anymore. I want you , but I can't. And you can't either." Heeseung's eyes watered, and his hand reached to touch mine. "Can I at least say it one more time?" I nodded sadly, forcing my tears not to escape. "I love you. I love you so, so much. That will never change." He pressed his forehead to mine, closing his eyes in defeat. "I love you too. More than I could ever love anyone else. More than myself. Heeseung...please wait for me. I'll figure something out, I'll-" he shushed me. "It's okay, my dear. Just relax. As long as you're in my arms I'll be able to relax too."


I clutched onto the flowing skirts of my dress, trying not to trip over a loose fabric or anything else, really. "Miss Dubiar! Where is he?" , I whisper-shouted. She smiled mischievously. "In the library, your Highness. I've seen to the fact that it will be rented out for just you today. No one can disrupt your time with Prince Sunghoon. Now go! He's waiting~" I blushed at the thought alone. After a good three flights of stairs and a few long, narrow halls to run I was finally where I needed—wanted—to be the most. Pushing open the door and then quickly slamming it shut, I searched the room for Sunghoon. "Mi Cara." His voice. Where was it? He emerged from behind a tall bookshelf, novel in hand and baldrick unfastened and dropped to the floor. "I didn't think you'd come!" I sprinted towards him, throwing myself on him. He smiled and leaned in for a delicate kiss. His lips tasted like cream—specifically lemon meringue cream— and his tongue like tart crust. "You had dessert?" He scooped me off my feet and into the air, stroking my thighs with his thumbs. "Never with out you." He led me to a small nook in the library, all decorated and curated just for me. A warm, fuzzy blanket, throw pillows, lemon meringue tarts, and a box with a key. "What's all this?" He placed a kiss on my cheek. "Happy anniversary. One year since the first day our little sneaking around charade started. Our secret relationship, basically." He gifted her the box and turned the key inside the lock. "How romantic." She peeped inside the box for a brief second, took her time to register what was in the box, and then gasped. "Sunghoon Park! You pervert!" It was a lacy gown, all tangled and confusing. "I shall like to see you struggle to put it on, and gladly help you take it off."


Tears streamed down my eyes as I hugged my knees to my chest. Jake and his brother were downstairs in the living room, giving their parents and earful of their disdain with the way they treated me. But I was okay, really. I was perfectly fine. Okay, that's a lie. If it wasn't, I would be a snotty, teary, makeup smudged mess. Apparently I'm too open and friendly to other people, that I'm a woman for the streets, and that I would equate to nothing. Nothing at all. I had no idea what it was that they had against me, but my guess would be my financial state. Jake's family wasn't the richest, so when they saw that I had money and that I enjoyed spending it on Jake, they felt...I don't know, jealous? Annoyed? Irked? Jake said that their thought process is as follows: I buy Jake nice things, take him out for dinners, take him places, all so that I could manipulate and play with his feelings. Bullshit. I would never spend so much money on a rebound boy. "That 'whore' is actually the sweetest, most beautiful, and kind girl I've ever met! She's my first and my last love, and I will marry her goddammit!" Silence. Okay, so maybe Jake was going too fast, but I was thrilled that he was so caught up with how he felt about me that he had to just blurt that out. "I refuse! My son will not marry such a wretched woman! A wench like her deserves to rot for all I care!" My tears came back and streamed. down my face. What a sweet family reunion. Jake's brother sided with him, defending me as well. Either way, I wasn't sure how long this dynamic would last. How long would I be able to tolerate Jake's parents? How long could I hold on- "Baby! I am so sorry. My parents can be bitches sometimes! Especially now." He wiped my tears. "Hey, you look at me Y/n. I will love you until my last breath, okay? I will engrave it in every stone, mark it on every wall, wedge it in every corner and crevice, and tattoo it on any unoccupied space on my skin. No one—even my parents—can change that. I love you." He kissed my cheek and let me weep into his arms. "I-I love you too." And we continued to cuddle, never letting a moment of silence pass. "Te amo." "I know. You always say it." "And I'll never stop."


"I'm a cheater, aren't I?" He clung onto my shoulder, flexing his hips with a low moan. "You broke up with him two hours after our first kiss. Why do we keep talking about this subject?" I sighed into his kiss, back arched and his every movement. "'re human. I'm not. And neither was my ex. You see, two fae (faries) in a relationship make sense, not a fae and a human boy." "Man. Human man." His big hand clasped my two wrists together, acting as a hand cuff. Trailing kisses down my neck, he made the bold plan to move his hips forward against mine again, earning him a high-pitched squeal. "You're telling me that's the sound of someone having sex with the wrong person?" He pecked my nose. "Jay! We can't, you know that." He pulled out of me, flipping me around on my stomach without warning. "I know. I know, baby. And it kills me every day." After engulfing himself in my warmth again, he hesitantly began to proceed with his sensual movements, slow, deep thrusts hitting my core. "We're not even-oh, fuck yes!" He smirked at his tiny victory of shutting me up, and continued to tease me in the way that had me squirming recklessly. "Don't stop!" And he didn't. Jay hadn't stopped until the sun rose, and time for them was up. "You have to go home, Jay." He tipped my chin to look him in the eyes. "And I'll see you again tomorrow. Same time?" I nodded. "Good bye, Jay." "Good bye, my girl." His smile shattered my soul. "Don't give me that look, or I'll never let you go." He smirked. "Then I better start smiling more often.Good morning, my fairy. May you rest well and you better rest and extra hour if you want energy for how long we'll go at it tomorrow."

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