Last flame

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(Jungwon one shot)

(Sorry for not posting, I have a life🎀)


 When me and Jungwon got married everything was pure passion and love. Now, don't get me wrong, I still love him and I know he loves me, but we've been less...intimate. I'd missed his yearning touches and teasing whispers of seduction. Everything was gone. I wanted him. All of it. And so I had thought of a plan prior to my current sad situation that I thought would make things better. It was cliche, boring and entirely stereotypical. I dressed in his favourite lingerie of mine; baby pink with a tiny white bow at the top, lined in ribbon and small frills, so short that it almost covered nothing at all, and lastly, it could come undone with one pull of a ribbon. 

I had champagne and chocolate strawberries out, and lit a few candles to set the mood. But he hadn't come back home. I called and called and called. But he declined every single one of them. Ding. He had sent me a text. "Sorry, princess, I'm in a meeting. Don't wait up on me❤️"  I sighed. I was already growing tired and my perfectly adorable pony tail was coming loose. I thought marriage would ignite our love, not blow it out. All that was left was but a single flame, one that was slowly extinguishing. I had to pull through! I had to...after a quick nap.


"Love?" A warm hand massaged my arm gently. "What's all this?" It took me a minute to come back to my senses. "No! I overslept!" I burried my face in my hands, utterly embarrassed. Jungwon chuckled lightly and tugged my wrist to pull my hands away. "It was supposed to be romantic and-and cute, and we were gonna drink champagne! I even wore this stupid outfit and I-ugh! I fucking shaved for nothing!" I leaned my head against Jungwon's shoulder as he laughed in amusement. "Oh, love, this is so sweet. But why are you doing this?" I gave him a shy pout. "Because I don't want you to be bored of me."

Jungwon looked utterly terrified. His face paled and then reddened and then paled again. "I-you think-wait, but-" He was at a loss for words. "What?" "You think I'm bored of you?" I self-consciously hugged my stomach. "Mhmm", I nodded. Jungwon kissed my jaw, shaking his head viscously. "Never! Never, never, never ever!" He cupped my cheeks. "You will never bore me. Do you understand, princess? Say 'yes' if you do." "Yes, sir", I mumbled.

Jungwon's lips met mine for a quick kiss before handing me a glass of champagne. "Don't think you're rid of me just yet. You have definitely not shaved for nothing-not that expect you to shave every time, natural is good too!", he added hastily. I giggled as I sipped on the rose gold liquid. "Mm, I'm so happy." Slowly putting down the glass, I moved to his lap. "Do you want me?" I whispered. "More than my life." My lips quirked. He pushed me lightly onto my back. "Oh, we're gonna have fun tonight." I could hear it, the crackle. I could smell the smoke. Our flame hadn't gone out, instead it spread like wildfire.

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