Friends to Lovers (Niki)

920 17 33

(recommended by: laineyfr)

(to Lainey: Ik im a bit late with the request, I hope ur doing better now with that whole situation, love u)

Niki. Oh my Lord. He was an absolute menace. The whole day in class was teasing me. My hair, my clothes, my handwriting, my playlist, my art project, my voice when I spoke to someone higher up like the principal-he flamed me in everything. Right now, he was running around the hallways, my phone in his hand, making me chase after him.

"Give it back! Niki!" He chuckled as I started to loose my breath, my sprints slowly turned into jogs, and then into embarrassingly slow steps. "Niki, wait-my breath is running out." He laughed slightly to himself before turning back and walking towards me. "Here." He handed me my phone, which I snagged violently from him. I checked for any scratches or dents on the phone screen or case, and sighed in relief. "Oh, come on. Why would I break your phone. It's already on life support was it is. You're due for an upgrade any second now." I rolled my eyes. "It's an iPhone 14. What's wrong with that?" "It's an apple product, boo thang."

"Here. Carry my bags. My shoulders are sore." He gave me an annoyed look before swinging my backpack onto his shoulder. "We should...go out more often. School has separated us a lot more than I thought it would. Y/n, are you listening?" I was staring at his lips, his eyes, his veiny hands. "Wh-what? Yeah, I guess. We should." We walked a bit further down the hallway, until he stopped in front of a classroom. "Hey, I need to quickly talk to someone. Wait outside?" I nodded. I peeked through the small crack of the door. It was Itsuki. She was THE girl of the school, heartthrob and an absolute pain in the ass. Everyone seemed to know about her crush for Niki, and apparently Niki's feelings were mutual. 

"I promise I won't be long. I just...yeah." I gave him a fake smile and sat down on the bench outside the classroom. "Take your time." The door opened and Aoyomi-one of Itsuki's little diciples- peeped her head through the small crack. "She's ready to see you." Niki politely thanked her and nodded somewhat nervously. "Well, I'll see you in a bit." "Yup." It hurt like a bitch to see Niki with another girl. I wasn't delusional or in denial about my feelings for him. I knew I liked him, and I had hoped he felt the same. But I guess not.

Aoyomi stepped outside of the room, eyeing me up and down. "Y/n, right? Oh my goodness, you styled your hair differently today. How...brave of you." She gave me a pitiful smile and hiked up her mini-skirt, tying her hair up in a bun. "Little word of advice, Itsuki's not gonna give up on Niki, so I advise you to back off a bit. I've seen shit go down with girls who conveyed some sort of romantic interest with her crushes, so rather be safe than sorry." I wrinkled my brows. "Thanks...?" "Of course. Gotta look out for everyone, even the nerds." I clenched my jaw and nodded awkwardly, waiting for her and her cheap ass perfume to stop invading my personal space and my nostrils. 

5 minutes. 10 minutes. 20 minutes. I heard Itsuki giggle on and on as Niki spoke in a low tone. It sucked.

30 minutes. 35 minutes. 50 minutes. an hour. My eyelids started to feel heavy as I waited. "A little nap won't hurt, right? It's not like I'm that tired, I'll wake up in a few minutes", I thought. My eyes closed, and I let myself fall asleep, hugging my bare arms for warmth.

"lalalalalalalalalalalalalala, A HOPELESS ROMANTIC ALL MY LIFEU~~" I opened my eyes to see Niki singing his heart out, dancing around whilst writing in his Bio notes book. I smiled to myself, letting my body relax and calm down under the warm duvet of his bed. Wait- UNDER THE WARM FLIPPITY FUCKING DUVET OF HIS BED!! I jolted up, looking around. I was in his room. "Finally, you're up, you little nerd. I need your help with this stupid homework and-" "WHY AM I IN YOUR BED?!" He looked at me with confusion on his face, and then laughed. "Oh, you fell asleep on the bench and you were drooling like a dog, so I decided to ask Mr. Nakamura to pick us up. I carried your heavy ass into the car and outside of it into my room. YOU"RE WELCOME." 

I rolled my eyes and yawned, stretching. But, as I looked to the side, I saw my school uniform neatly folded and put on a bedside table. My eyes widened as I looked down at my clothes. "You pervert!" Niki scoffed, offended by my remark. "I've seen you in a bikini before. Plus, I only changed your top. You had biker shorts under your skirt, and you're wearing a bra, so no big deal." I stared at him in shock. "YOU TOOK OFF MY TOP!? IM GONNA KILL YOU!" He crossed his arms and leaned down to get in eye level with me. "It was a joke. One of the helpers dressed you, jeez. Lighten up." 

I grunted in annoyance and tried to get up but his body was quite close to mine, so I fell back onto the bed, tripping on his shoe. He fell forward in shock of the fact that I had put all of my weight on just his one foot. "OW!" He looked down at me with anger. But I was too busy blushing at our current position. His body was pressed over mine, arms laying next to my head. "Niki..." He slightly smirked an put a strand of hair behind my ear. "Hi, beautiful." I cleared my throat. "What did you talk to Itsuki about in the classroom? Did you ask her out or something?", I mumbled in an annoyed tone. "No, I didn't. I asked her what girls usually like to do on dates and what they like in guys. Apparently she knows all about that stuff, so I asked her. I wanted to ask someone out. You know them veryyy well." "B-but, she was giggling and-" "She obviously interpreted it the wrong way. But trust me, when she sees us kissing and holding hands in the hallway, she'll get the message." 

Heat rushed through my whole body as he said that. "Yeah?" "Yeah." My hands slowly reached to go around his neck, pulling his face closer to mine. "I've never done anything like this before, being with girls gives me anxiety. But...with you, I feel safe. Happy. In love. So, Y/n, wouldyou like to be my girlfriend?" I smiled, looking away from him to hide my flustered face. "Look at me with those beautiful eyes and tell me your answer." I slowly moved my head to look back at him. "I would love to." He smiled, hugging me tightly. Then, suddenly, he leaned in to kiss me. His big hand cupped my face as his lips smashed against mine, tongue delving into my mouth. "Niki~~" He smiled against my lips. "You're beautiful, smart and a good kisser."


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