Time travel typa shiiiii

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"If you want to turn your back on me now, we are done!" Red flushed his cheeks. "I should have done so months ago!" I clutched my chest to feel my heart as if it would break unless I pressed a firm hand to it.  "You are a monster", I whispered. He had deceived me. "You killed dozens of people!" "In a war! Get over yourself!" In a war that he promised not to wage. In a war that was supposed to be a peace offering. In a war that the other side wasn't aware of and hadn't prepared for. "They would have come for us anyways", my soon-to-be ex husband spat. "You killed little children, you killed mothers and fathers, daughters and sons!" My heart ached."Leave," he said curtly. And that was exactly what I did.

In the rain I strolled, letting my periwinkle nightgown get soaked in the fierce cold of the water. Drip. Drip. Drip. This new sound did not come from the pitter-patter of raindrops. This came from the drip of clothing, hair, skin. And then ripples of raindrops hit my back. Immediately, I turned to where they had hit me. Behind me was a man shaking his hair—a ghost of a man. He quickly covered his head with a navy velvet cloak, that ran down his body. But the sleeves were tight on his biceps, exhibiting a strong figure. "Mister? Do you need something?" The strange man sighed. "You don't know me, I trow..." his accent was thick as honey, but just as sweet too. "Are you from here, sir? Do you have a place to stay?" The man lifted his hood. "Starling, I would have hoped that you'd at least recognise my voice."

Starling. The nickname was familiar. I knew it. A sense of overwhelming grief snuck up my spine, twisting and painfully grabbing at my chest, as if to rip out my heart. "Who are you?" The question came out much more alarmed than I wanted it to be. My phone dinged, but I ignored it. "Starling, provide me some knowledge; what is today's date?" Until now, he avoided my eyes and stared at the ground. But now he looked up at my with his caramel eyes. When I read in books that people could see others' emotions through their eyes, I wanted to call their bluff, but now I understood. Flickers of curiosity and anguish. "May 30th, 2024. Why?" His heart shaped lips pulled into a frown.

"Good grief! I've traveled too far!" "Traveled?" The handsome young man reached up to touch my face, but jerked his hands back. "Starling..." I shuddered as the sense of familiarity squeezed in my throat. "How do I know you?" The question came out of my mouth like a command. "Starling, this isn't-" I turned away from him and started walking. First, my husband, then the awful weather, and now an awfully handsome man with a funny accent that claimed to have time traveled? Bullshit. 

"You were my ward. Your parents had passed and then you were handed to me. You were 16. I was 19." The man reached to touch my hand and I let him. They were blistered and rough from riding, but still made me feel a sense of soft, gooey safety. "I took care of you until you grew old enough to leave home." His thumb rubbed my wrist in a way that showed I wasn't just his ward. "Alas, a love did indeed kindle, scorch even. But, trow, you had grown strong and curious...whilst I had grown tired. Tired and shrewd. In search of something alive again, we adventured up the North." His hands slowly slid up my arm to his jaw. 

"This little scar", he rubbed against a little scar on my neck. "How did you get it?" "I slipped." The handsome man chuckled. "You see, the same way you got it with me when we ventured up the Hoax Mountains." His eyes turned somber. "But, the only difference is that, in this world, you survived that slip." His hands traveled to my cheek. "I missed you." His words hit me like a crash of waves. "What is your name?" The Handsome Man rubbed his thumb against my lips. "Sunoo."

"You have a beautiful name, Sunoo." "And you have a beautiful voice." He turned to my husband's castle, where we had been standing right outside. "Married to a prince, huh. You really know how to make a scene." I smiled. "Well, that was a mistake. I shouldn't have, he's a monster." Sunoo's eyes gazed down to my soaked silk nightwear, hugging my  shivering body. "Yes, well, I don't know how he will sleep tonight. You are just too marvellous to lose." He leaned in closer. "May I?" I nodded. And then his lips met mine, and our tongues danced—no battled—with each other, until i grew weak in the knees.

"I don't have much, Starling, especially not in comparison to your prince." His knuckles grazed my side. "But, would you like to spend the night with me?" My heart pounded as my skin flushed under my clothing. "I'd like that." And so I did. I did, and I didn't regret it. 

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