baking together

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(I had a dream about enha yesterday and I TOUCHED JAY'S THIGHS AND SAT ON HIS LAP OH MY GOLLY JEE so now I will be making this freakydeaky🫦 cuz I'm still sweating in between my thighs from the encounter)


Today you were teaching Heeseung how to bake lemon cake. It was a simple task, really. The measurements, ingredients, steps, it was all very facile work. "Heeseung," you would mumble when he dropped heaps of flower onto the kitchen floor. "Sorry." The whole experience was like that of getting a child to be still, calm, uncomplicated. It never fucking worked out. He drove you crazy, mixing a wet ingredient with a dry one, spilling and messing the counters, inhaling powders and coughing up a storm. Ayayay. You needed a break. Or perhaps some vodka. Yet, you didn't scold him. He was learning and the fact that he tried to spend time with you was good enough. Heeseung saw how he frustrated you and felt bad. With not much to cheer you up, he sighed. Until...her remembered he was a male. A very packaged male in fact. He pressed himself against the plumpness of your bottom, letting you feel his desire unfurling in his jeans.

"Shall I make it up to you?"

"That is how you plan on winning my favour?"


"It is working. Carry on."


Doing anything involving math immediately rubbed Sunghoon the wrong way. Measuring was a hard task, for him and yourself. But you took on the mighty job in exchange for some quality time. "Hoonie, pass the whisk." Sunghoon was too busy on his phone, giggling at some stupid video. "Babe! Help me." He would roll his eyes and fetch you the whisk. He would then hug you from behind as you did the work. Sunghoon found you--his wife, baking cookies, hair a mess and flour coating your cheeks--absolutely ravenous. Never mind the cookies, he craved something else. Snaking his hands up your shirt to gently unclasp your bra, he tattooed your body with his wicked tongue. You tried to protest, but if you were would be nice to have some fun, no? And you ached for any physical touch you could possibly obtain from Sunghoon.

"May I?"

"May you what?"



"Can I smash? pwease?"


You were a terrible baker as far as anyone was concerned. And Jake trusted you alone in a kitchen as far as he could throw you, so, he observed your little attempt to bake cupcakes solely from scratch. Immediately, it was havoc. Batter on the counters, tins greased wrong, oven temperature set way too high and the timer way too low. Jake had to step in and help. He took off your little apron and threw it to the side, making you sit on the cleaner part of the kitchen island. "Watch and learn," he said, whilst somehow defying the laws of baking science and undoing your doings. This man was hot. Sleeves rolled up past his elbow, icing sugar dusting his freckles, his focused face as he made girly pink cupcakes. You wanted to hit it, and honestly I'm not judging. 


"Yes, muffin?"

"Respectfully, FU~~~~CK MEEEE"



Baking was the sort of thing you did to ease your mind, to calm your senses, to relax and release tension. But, this time it was not the case. Jungwon rubbing your hips or kissing your neck as you whipped eggs, or hugging you from behind when you greased the tin had you DOWN BAD. He wasn't much of a baker, so in his mind these teasing touches were a cute little motivation to keep you going, not a distraction that had you shaking with lewd need for him. You gulped and stuffed those thoughts in an imaginary box, whilst continuing on. Things were looking good, and you were making some icing. But when you accidentally got some on your cheek, Jungwon chuckled in that low, delicious tone that had your breath shaky. He would lick the dollop away, and proceed to do the same on your tongue.

"You had a little something, darling."


"Shh, how about you take a break."

He would take a little bit of icing and smear it against your jaw, before languidly licking the streak away.


Um, hello? This was your thing. You and Sunoo baked together since day one. Once a week, you two would try a new recipe and film it for your vlogs. Turning on the camera, Sunoo introduced today's dessert: Soji. An Indian dish mad from Semolina, sometimes served with cream. It was interesting to try foods from other countries but baking it was even better. You showed the camera your process of stirring and mixing and this and that. But, as you were reaching for a spoon, your elbow knocked the bowl of your contents down, everything spilling on the floor. "I am so, so sorry," you would repeatedly yell, but Sunoo just smiled. He would pull you in for a reassuring kiss, nipping and your lower lip and sneaking his tongue through your mouth. Suddenly, the big spill on the floor was the last thing on your mind.


"Yes, sunshine?"

"The camera."

"I know. Let's keep it on, we don't have to post anything this week."


You were sulking, pouty lips and knitted brows. A competition, of course. A baking one . One that you had obviously lost. You were pretty confident that you would win, baking a presentable lemon cake with the right ratio of sugary to tart. But, your smile was easily wiped off your face at the sight of Jay's Nutella Bomb croissants. I mean, in what world was a man hot, a good singer, kind, smart, rich and a good baker? This was some bullshit. Jay felt bad for winning (idk why), and had declared that you could take the win. But you didn't. You were a sore loser, not delusional. Your lemon cake looked like a simple pendant next to a jewel broach. But, with Jay being Jay, he pulled you into his grasp, kissing your throat and whispering praise into your ear. "You did so good, my love." "It looks delicious." "Don't use your lips for pouting when they serve so much more purpose than that." It had you forgetting about your loss very quickly.

"You win, baby."

"I do?"


"Well, as winner, I would like to claim my reward. To the bedroom, loser."

"Yes mommy-what? Who said that?"

(He's secretly submissive and breedable, I'd know cuz he's my husband)


I want you to close your eyes and imagine the scene. Niki, in your kitchen, shirtless but has a tight apron around him, mixing a whipping up something yummy, all the while licking his lips and looking at you. You were greasing the tin and lining it with parchment paper, but couldn't get your eyes off of him. Every now and then Niki would have to turn away from you and count to three. I mean, you in your little apron, tiny shirt and your little pink panties (they are pink. with bows. you're just a girl. even if you're a guy, today you're just a girl.) He was livid. You would tease him by bending down to pick up scissors or stick your ass out as you stretched against the counter. And he looked fucking scrumptious. I mean, his arms? His hands? They had veins. That was all you needed to see, to witness.

"Are you gonna keep teasing me, princess?"

"Depends. Do you have plans to throw me over your shoulder and take me to the room. Right now?"


You frowned.

"I have plans to sit you on this counter and take you. Right now"

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