When the choose their job over you (Pt 2)

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(Recc: DaniellesCarrots)


"I'm sorry, but I think I'm going to take them up on the offer." I rolled my eyes. "Of course you are." Sunoo gave me a confused look to which I scoffed. "You're truly unbelievable. Stop pretending already, I know what you're up to." I walked up to the kitchen to take out some wine from the wine cooler. After unscrewing the lid, I took a big swig before harshly placing it down on the counter. "Get out. Your presence disturbs me." Sunoo gave me a puzzled look. "Baby, I know you're taking this hard but I want us to talk this through." After pretending to contemplate, I said a simple no. But of course he kept pestering me on and on. "Listen, Sunoo. Don't make this harder for yourself. You're not actually breaking up with me because that's what your job wants. You're infatuated to another, and that is...okay." It had been a month now, and I'd already gone through all my crying and pain episodes. Now, it was time to 'set him free'. "You love her, don't you?" Sunoo's tears rolled down his cheeks. "I didn't mean-! I, fuck, fuck, fuck!" He bent down on the floor, obviously stressed. "What now?" "Don't you get it? I haven't broken up with you because I still love you too! My plan was to take a break from you and hang out with...her, so that I could decide who I loved the most. But of course you had to fucking find out!" Was this hoe serious? "You're for the streets, you ninny", I said before sashaying out with a wine bottle in hand. "Brother, eeuuugh🤢"


"So..." I stared up at him, blushing profusely. He had already told me the bad news. He needed to follow his dream, and I had to live with that. But we 'spent the night together' if you know what I mean. It was sentimental, and sad, and sweet, and oh so heavenly. It was my last taste of him. "You sure you won't fall in love with someone else?" He kissed the top of my head and nodded. "Never." He was leaving to go live in Denmark tomorrow. Tomorrow I would lose him. But today he was mine. Kissing me slowly, he moved his hand down to caress my thigh—a clear sign that he was trying for another round. "Why can't we try long distance?" He frowned into my neck, his hands sliding up my thigh to his sides. "We've talked about this, Y/n. I need to take the job seriously. You know the company doesn't allow dating." I sighed and nodded. Well, the company was lonely and fucked. He went back to kissing my neck, hands firm on my butt. "But do they have to know? I mean, can't we-" "We can't! We cannot!" My lips trembled as my skin began turning cold with goosebumps. "Why, Jungwon? Why won't you try for me?" He turned away. "Tonight was a mistake. I should have left last week when they asked." He shrugged on his boxers and headed to the closet to change. "Jungwon!" He turned to look at me. My eyes pleaded with him. "You're a distraction! A distraction! If I'm with you, I'll never succeed. Do you understand? You're not good for me!" He slammed the door and emerged into the closet. Oh, he would fucking regret ever leaving me.


"Let's run away then! Just don't marry her, please? Don't marry my sister." Niki shook his head. "Father would find every opportunity to berate me and take away my rights to the crown." Yes, I had a thing for the prince, but if you'd seen how hot he was you would blame me. "You said you didn't want to be king." Niki's hands slowly ran up my back, lips capturing my bottom one in a comforting peck. "It's just a contract marriage. It's not like I'll be in love with her. And I can't just pass the job onto my sisters. They're naive and too kind. It would tarnish our kingdom." I wanted to collapse on the floor, cry in his arms, pester and scold him, but I couldn't. "I won't ask you to choose me over your kingdom." I sighed. "But can you choose me over my sister?" His brows creased as he crossed his arms over his chest. "You know I can't do that. She's a better fit for queen." Ouch. That one hurt. "I can read better, write better, I'm good with languages, arts, politics, a great public speaker, and hell you have to admit I'm prettier by tenfold." He chuckled lightly. "Cara, it's not about that. She's...more calm. Has less of an opinion and is okay to just sit around. We need someone who will cooperate instead of butt in." My jaw went rigid. "So you want to marry my sister because she is easier to silence?" "That's what father wants, not me." But the smirk on his face said otherwise. Bullshit. "This is all so absurd! How did I not see this coming! Of course, you royal lot can't let anything get in the way of your own spot light." I pushed his chest, causing him to stumble. "You can choose being a king over being with me, you can marry any other wench in the world, heck you can kiss and fall in love with whoever's so unfortunate, but you will not involve my sister in you nonsense! You are an ill, oaf-like, unsightly, unprepossessing muttonhead!" I huffed in his face and stormed out of the room, wiping my tears. That little bitch could rot in hell.

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