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I lay down on the cushioned bench of the boat, letting the sun hit my skin and the salty breeze tickle my lips. Jungwon steered the boat towards our destination--The Cabin. Despite the boring name, The Cabin was beautiful, and not really much of a cabin. More like a lodge. The walls were painted brown like tree trunks, and each room had beautiful vintage decorations or furniture. Outside, there was a lake with free canoe boats and a greenhouse that held the prettiest of flowers. The owner of the house--an old lady named Agatha--let me steal a bouquet every time we stayed there. It was our mini vacation spot. Just for me and Jungwon.

"You should captain a boat more often," I giggled. Jungwon wore only his white pants and a pair of sunglasses. His muscles flexed with every steer of the wheel, and his abs shone gloriously in the light. "Why, my love?" He spared me a quick glance. "You look delicious." Jungwon's lips quirked. "Are you hungry?" I smiled to myself. "Starved." The wind was light, so the water was still and quiet, besides an occasional splash against the boat. "You may feast as much as you wish once we reach the house." I sulked, taking off my own glasses. "Boring." My two-piece swimwear was revealing already, only thin strips a of fabric covering my body. So, why, oh why, wasn't he hot and bothered? I was hot! Ravenous!

We were getting close. The docks were in clear sight now, and we would dismount soon. How sad. Love making on a boat sounded like a dream. A bold, slightly risky dream. But I would take what I could get once we reached the house. "Wonnie." Jungwon looked my way. "Dearest." I sat up and made my way to him, back hugging his waist. "Kiss me." He shook his head, but held onto the hands circling him into my grasp. "As much as I would love to, I am captaining a boat as you said. Now, sit and watch me in all of my glory and deliciousness." Boring much. 

Once we were off the boat and in the house, I was famished. Not for food, obviously. Jungwon said he wanted to take a nap. He was tired from riding the boat. So, I lay next to him and watched every rise and fall of his chest, listened to every sigh of breath coming from his mouth. He was so cute. So unimaginably cute. "Baby, are you awake?" He grumbled in response. "Are you still horny?" His voice was slightly mocking. "Incredibly. I can't believe you are not." He pulled me into his arms. "Never said I wasn't. But, unfortunately, my fatigue overrides my desire right now. In a minute..." He yawned like a little kitten before drifting to sleep. So, I closed my eyes and followed suit.


I woke up to the feeling of something wet against my belly. Was there a leak in the roof? I opened my eyes to see Jungwon's head against my stomach, still in his slumber. He was-ew, he was drooling on me. Still, he was such a little baby. "Love, are you alive?" He whined in response. "Great. Now, wipe your saliva off of my stomach." He slowly opened his eyes and wiped his mouth before taking the blanket and wiping off his excess drool. "Nasty," I whispered. Still, Id let him do anything he wanted to me and thank him. He was so handsome even though he'd just woken up. "You are beautiful," he whispered. That can't be correct. My morning face was its own little monster.

He lazily propped kisses over my navel, swirling his tongue around my skin. "I've woken up rather thirsty." His mouth proceeded lower, and lower with each languid kiss. "And I am still hungry." His incredibly tired and sexy eyes peered at me. "Let me taste you and you may taste me." I giggled. "That's not fair. I've been waiting for my meal much longer than you have." "Yes, but I captained a boat." Touché. Ridding me of my underwear, he got dangerously close to my feminine grace. "Quench my thirst and I shall give you a buffet."

(I had a dream about enha and I was taking a pic with Jake but then Jay got jealous and was fighting over me, so then Jay got hurt in the fight and I MASSAGED HIS THIGH FOR HIM AAAAAH!! I even danced--yes, danced--with Jungkook. Idk where he came from but that dream was beautiful. I was incredibly dissatisfied to have woken up from it. Still am.)

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