Chapter 1 - Last Day of School

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*Anna's POV


My signature alarm sounds at 5:15, typically a horrible time to wake up in the morning. Luckily, today is the last time it has to be set for this early for a long time. As I'm getting up, it slowly begins to sink in. My eyes widen and I run into each and every bedroom in our large New York apartment and quietly yell (is that possible?) , "IT'S THE LAST DAY OF SCHOOL!!!". I have been waiting for this day all year, and honestly, so has everyone else. Meanwhile, my brother, Evan, was unappreciative of the amazing yet obvious piece of information I had delivered to him, so he groans and throws something hard at me. Yeah. Ow?! I'll get him for that later.

In retrospect it was probably a bad idea to wake him up in the first place. He's about 6 foot 3, plays football, and runs track. He's pretty built. I'm not sure why but since he is a year older than me, I can't help but feel obligated to be annoying. For some background information, our entire lives we have been about as close as siblings can get. We don't fight like normal siblings. Sure, of course we're annoying to each other all the time, but it doesn't harm the bond between us. He's always supportive of everything I do. Even when it comes to my obsession over One Direction, he's right there fan girling with me. I'm pretty lucky to have him. Repeat that to ANYONE and I will deny it.

I head back to my room to get ready for school. I was so excited for once to go to school, that I failed to realize that I had an extra half hour. I always set my alarm early so that pressing snooze six or seven times won't make me late. I guess it's not that early though because I can smell my mom making breakfast.

*20 minutes later

"HURRY UP EVAN!!" I yell up to him from the garage. We both go to the same school so it's no big deal for him to drive me, but lets just say I'll be happy to get my license in three days. Since he's graduating though, this will be the last time he drives me to school. He could have signed out three weeks ago, but he still has a couple of tests to take.

*At school

By now I have long past lost my brother, so I go look for my friends. They're most likely going to be by our lockers, so I head in that direction.

"Anna!!!" Cristina yells to me from somewhere in the courtyard. Before I get too far, I should probably give you a description of my friends.

First, there's Cristina. She's probably the closest to me of my five crazy best friends. She's about 6 foot 2 with curly brown hair and hazel eyes. She likes to aggravate Evan by telling him that he's going to be the short one since she's still growing. It's funny how much it ticks him off, especially since neither of them are short like, at all. In terms of One Direction, she's a total Louis girl.

Then there's Ari, she's a little on the shorter side when comparing her to Cristina, at about 5 foot 4. Her hair is dark red and she has bright blue eyes. Sometimes she can get a little violent, but it comes in handy and we love her anyways. Her and her boyfriend Jack are like, the cutest thing ever. But putting that aside, she's still a Louis girl. Yeah. It can get a little scary sometimes between her and Cristina.

Next is Brittany. She's about average height with bleach blonde hair (almost white even) and green eyes. She's a Harry girl.

Then we have Ava, the shortest of the bunch, just barely 5 foot with reddish blonde hair and dark blue eyes. She's a Niall girl.

Finally, there's Emma. She's around Brittany's height with blonde hair. She's a Zayn girl and super funny and reliable. The rest of us, I swear we have a problem with our brains because we're horrible at remembering things, but Emma's always got our backs.

Then there's me, Anna Johnson. I'm about 5 foot 7 with brownish blonde wavy hair and my eyes are kind of a turquoise color. I'm the goody two shoes of the group, but Cristina's not that far behind me. Music my life. I've always been a Liam girl.

Cristina's the first to attack me as I run up to the group. "OHMYGOSH summer begins in exactly 8 hours and I..I...just...I just can't even!" Yes, my friends are a bit crazy but that's why we love each other.

My parents rented me this huge cabin for the summer in the mountains, and I have yet to tell my friends of the news. So I guess now's as good a time as any! "Hey, you know how I wanted to go away for the summer?".

"Well duh, you're constantly blabbering about how you hate this place" Ari loves to take any chance she can to sass me. Well actually, they all do. But I probably started it, I never pass up the chance.

"Ok, so my parents rented this cabin for my brother and I! We leave in 5 days!"

Ava chips in a little sad, "That's great! But what are we supposed to do without you?". Oops I forgot to tell them the most important part!

"Here's the thing, I'm allowed to bring five friends! There are seven rooms and bathrooms in the cabin, so there's plenty of space." They all start jumping up and down and screaming. I can see why though. I mean, 5 weeks, just us doing whatever we feel like, Evan being the only authority. Just thinking it through makes me even more excited.

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