Chapter 37

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"Hey Zayn, do you know how long Liam usually takes at the gym?" I ask. Harry is passed out on the couch and Zayn just got up. Niall and Hannah left with Louis to find lunch. I ensured them that I was fine to stay here and wait for Liam. My intention was to take him to breakfast but clearly that didn't happen. I'll just take him to lunch when he comes up instead. I'm starving though, given that I ate that muffin hours ago.

"In the mornings? Maybe an hour or two at most. Why?"

"It's been more than three," I explain. I hope it doesn't mean anything, but I can't help but worry.

"Hm, I dunno. Does he know you're here?" He asks.

"No, I came to surprise him."

"Would you like me to text him and see what's going on?" He offers. I nod and wait for Liam to text him back. After twenty minutes, there's no answer. "Well that's weird. He always texts back instantly whether he's at the gym or not."

"What should we do?" I ask.

"I'd say go check up on him. Make sure everything's okay," he starts, then offers to come along when he sees the concern on my face. "Let me change clothes first."

He changes into a T-shirt and shorts then slips on a pair of flip flops. We walk to the elevator and I press the button to go down. When we get down to the bottom, Zayn leads the way to to the hotel gym since he's the one who knows where it is. He opens the door and I hope to God that Liam is in there. I'm pretty sure he would have told someone if he had the intention of leaving the hotel.

"It's empty," Zayn says, stating the obvious when I enter the large room. The only person in the room is the guy working the smoothie bar. I don't know if he'd know anything but it's worth a shot.

"Is there anything I can help you with?" The guy asks us, well me. He's mostly asking me I'm guessing because he doesn't glance much at Zayn. It's probably because I'm the one that looks lost.

"Uh, maybe. I'm looking for someone."


"Liam?" I say, but it comes out like a question.

"He was in earlier but he left a while ago," he informs me.

"Okay...thank you," I say as I make my way back out the door. I don't know where to go from here.

"I don't know what to tell you," Zayn says putting a hand on my shoulder. I shrug.

"I guess let's check the room and see if he went back up while we were down here," I suggest.

*Liam's POV*

I got bored at the gym after an hour so I decided to just hit the showers. The gym really isn't that big and only has standard equipment. Plus, I was the only one there other than the smoothie guy so I felt pretty awkward. The pool has more of an appeal to me. I swim laps for an hour or so. It sort of defeats the purpose of the shower but I don't really care. There's no one at the pool either, not even the pool boys, which makes me more comfortable. I'm not in anyone's way and no one is in mine. It's relaxing. I get out of the pool and am glad that I put a change of clothes in my gym bag. Anna's place is really close and I want to go surprise her.

Leaving the hotel, I walk two minutes down the street until I'm at Anna's front door. I knock and her mum answers.

"Good morning, Liam," she says motioning for me to come in.

"Morning Mrs. Johnson. Where's Anna?" I ask, looking around behind her. Anna should have been down here by now, unless she's still asleep or in the shower.

"She's not here," she tells me.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"I mean she went out a few hours ago."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2014 ⏰

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