Chapter 5 - Meeting the Neighbors

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By the time we finished getting all of our things out of the cars, into the cabin, and unpacked, it was dark out. While Emma made dinner, I decided I would go sit out by the lake. There's a nice dock where I can just dangle my feet off the end.

I grab my phone and start walking. When I get to the end of the dock I just sit there and watch the lake, the moon reflecting on it. Across the lake I see a small bonfire. Must be the neighbors! It also sounds as if their singing. I listen a little closer, to make out the song. I recognize it as 'They Don't Know About Us'. Actually, it sounds pretty freaking amazing from what I can hear.

I want to be able to hear it better so I get up and start walking towards the fire. When I get close enough to where I can hear better, the song ends and I just hear talking and laughing. I keep walking, if anything, just to say hi and introduce myself. Next thing I know, I run into someone, which catches me off guard and I fall backwards into a large rock. The last thing I remember is hitting the ground.

*Liam's POV

After singing a few songs I decided to go take a little walk. As I'm walking I hear what sounds like footsteps. I think nothing of it. It's most likely just a squirrel or some other small animal.

I was terribly wrong. I bump into someone or something a few inches short of me, who then hits the ground fairly hard. I then see that it's a girl, around my age, maybe a few years younger. Oh my gosh. She's not moving.

That's when I start freaking out.

"Are you alright?!" I wait a couple of seconds to which I get no reply. Oh no. No. Calm down Liam.

Just to be safe, I check her pulse. Ok good, she's not dead. I mean, it was highly unlikely in the first place, but you have to make sure. You know?

I lift her up and take her back to the boys. As I'm carrying her, I can't help but notice that she smells a bit like spaghetti. Interesting. I didn't think they made a perfume in that scent.

As I get to the campfire, each of the boys look either alarmed or puzzled.

"Who's she?" Harry asks.

"Umm, I'm not entirely sure. I bumped into her and she fell. Now she's unconscious." Saying it out loud, it sounds rather dreadful.

"How do we wake her up?" Niall asks.

"Maybe splash some water on her?" I suggest, as I go into the cabin to fetch a glass.

I come back and pour the water on her, and sure enough, it works! She starts moving and we give her a second to wake up. The lads all look a bit impatient to sort out the details of who she is.

*Anna's POV

I'm not quite sure what's going on...wait, why am I wet?! I open my eyes to see five guys huddling over me and I let out a yelp, then cover my mouth. Hold up. These faces look really familiar.

I let my eyes focus a little more. Oh my god. Am I dreaming? Did I actually die when I fell and now I'm in heaven? That had to be it. I died. I'm just dreaming that One Direction are within a foot of me, until my head starts throbbing with pain. Nope. Not a dream.

"Are you alright?" Harry asks me.

"I..I..I don't know. My head is killing me." I answer.

"You fell pretty hard." Liam informs me.

Zayn buds in, "Can you tell us what happened?"

"Umm, if I remember correctly, I was sitting over on the dock when I heard you guys singing. I walked over to see who it was, because it sounded absolutely amazing, and I wanted to say hi and introduce myself. My friends, my brother, and I are staying in the other cabin for a few weeks. Oh! I'm Anna Johnson." I notice Liam kind of slipping a grin.

"Ok Anna, well, I'm Louis, and they are Liam, Harry, Niall, and Zayn!" I start chuckling.

"What?!" Niall asks.

"Of course I know who you guys are, silly!" I answer, smiling really big now.

"Is that why you passed out?" Harry asks. I'm not really sure if that's a serious question, but then I decide that he's probably had several girls pass out at the sight of him.

"I'm going to guess by the excruciating pain in my head, that no. That is not why I passed out." Niall laughs a little. All of a sudden my phone starts buzzing. I look at the caller ID. It's Evan.

"It's my brother, I should probably take this." I say as I walk off little, but not too far. I see Liam walk back inside.

Me: "Hello?"

Evan: "Where are you?? We've been worried sick!"

Me: " Well, long story short, I met the neighbors."

Evan: "That's it, I'm coming over there."

He hangs up and I'm not really sure whether he's mad or confused. I probably should have told him a little more of the story.

Liam comes back and hands me an ice pack to put on my head.

"Oh, thanks. This is exactly what I need." my head instantly starts feeling better. "Ok so my brother's heading over here, he should be here any sec...yep, there he is."

He looks a little mad but then he sees the ice pack on my head and it all turns to concern and slight fear.

"Are you okay?! Wha.." He interrupts his own sentence as he sees who the neighbors are. "No wonder you weren't in a rush to get back." is all he says, flashing me a small grin.

"So you're not mad that I accidentally knocked her over and she passed out?" Liam asks, hope in his voice.

"Wait, WHAT?!" here we go again...

Ok I can't have my brother kill One Direction, I "Evan, it's not their fault, you know how clumsy I am! It was bound to happen at some point anyways." I say, hoping to calm him down.

He looks as if he's about to object, then gives up and just says, "It's true."

Liam smiles again, then says to us, "Maybe we could all hang out tomorrow?"

"YESYESYES A MILLION TIMES YES! ahem* I mean, that sounds lovely!" Note to self: try thinking before blabbering out something completely ridiculous.

"I guess that will be ok." Evan tells them. Yay! Obviously he's not mad anymore or he would have gone off on them. "For now though, we have to get back to our cabin, Anna hasn't eaten yet."

"Oh! Sure thing! See you tomorrow!" Liam says.

Then in unison they all say goodbye as we walk away.


Author's Note:

My goodness! I can't believe I updated three times today! At this rate, you'll get another chapter or two tomorrow! Feel free to comment anything you liked or any suggestions! :)

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