Chapter 20 - A Picnic

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*Liam's POV

Hannah and Niall have been acting really weird around me lately. I feel as if their up to something. Every time they walk past me, or I walk past them, they smile and giggle. Strange, those two. As I'm thinking this, they both come in and sit with me on the couch, one on each side. Hannah's holding some paper, markers, and glue.

"I think we both know she's not going to make the first move." Niall says, looking me straight in the eye.

"Wait, what? Who?"


"Oh, um, alright." I guess that really explains the smiling and giggling, knowing those two.

"What do you mean 'alright'?! You have to go for it!!" Hannah says, slightly louder than a normal volume, shaking my shoulders at the same time.

"Well, what should I do?" I've been wanting to ask Anna out, I just don't know how.

"Here." She hands me the craft supplies. "You're going on a picnic."

"Oh, that's a great idea. When should I schedule it for?"

"Tomorrow afternoon would probably be best." Niall suggests. Even though the whole invitation idea is kind of copying what Anna did with the dance, I still think it's a good idea. Even better, actually. I find two pieces of construction paper out of the bunch. One that's a dark purple, another that's a light blue, two of her favorite colors. I use the purple as the background and fold it so that the card opens up like double doors. I use the blue as a strip in the middle, wrapping around the whole outside, and another piece as a simple rectangle inside, mounted. On the mounted piece, I write down the information for the picnic. When I finish, I place it in an envelope, seal it, and write 'Anna' on the front.

"Now what?" I ask.

"Take it to the mail box." Hannah instructs. I do as I'm told.

*Anna's POV

I chose today to sleep in. Unfortunately Ari doesn't approve, for she comes running into my room, yelling like a maniac, and jumping on my bed.

"YOU GOT MAIL!!!! SPOILER ALERT, IT'S FROM LIAM!" She yells. Normally, I would just smack her and go back to sleep, but this got my attention.

"Okay! I'm up!" She hands me an envelope that's already been opened. "Ari? Did you already read it?" She stops jumping and sits on my bed.

"Maybe." She says softly. I continue to pull the card out of the envelope, and read it.

"He wants me to go on a picnic!" I tell Ari, even though she already knows.

"Yeah! JUST you!" She gives me an evil grin.

"No one else was invited?" I ask.

"Nope!" She says smiling. Why would she be smiling about not being invited?! Oh. Never mind. Now I get it. Sorry, I'm a little slow. Could this really be happening?

"What am I going to wear?!" Out of all things, this was the first question that popped into my head.

"I'm way ahead of you!" She jumps into my closet and comes out five minutes later with an outfit I didn't even know I packed. It's amazing what this girl can do. She's holding a knee length, blue and white striped sun dress I bought at Lilly Pulitzer before we left. It has a flower print and a lime green belt. There's also a Tory Burch clutch that happens to match it.

"Ari, it's perfect!"

"I know!" She says with a smile. I go back to admiring the beautiful card. Thinking that it's probably a good idea to know where the picnic will be, I take a closer look at the location indicated on the card. The end of the hiking trail I went on with him and Evan. With the 360 panoramic view, I honestly can't think of a better place. I probably look really stupid just smiling at the card, but you know what? I don't care.

The next morning as I'm just finishing getting dressed, my brother comes in.

"Well! Doesn't someone look nice! And where exactly are you going?" Oops. I guess I should have told him earlier.

"I'm going on a picnic." I say.


"Liam." I hand him the card. He smiles and rolls his eyes. Is it really that obvious?! He hands me the card back and starts out the door, but stops and turns to me.

"Okay, I'll see you when you get back then."

I continue to put my shoes on, which really aren't practical for hiking, but again, I don't care. I change my phone case from the water proof one back to the normal Lilly Pulitzer one with the sailboat pattern, then slip it into my clutch. I start up to my destination.

When I get there, Liam's already there, so mesmerized by the view that he doesn't even see me arrive. I look at the picnic he set up. On the blanket is a bunch of my favorite food. I don't even know how he knew my favorite foods, but I'm not going to question it. There's a pitcher of apple juice, along with pasta, teriyaki chicken, fruit salad, croissants, cupcakes, and much more. I know it sounds like a really weird combination, but it's what I like. His phone is plugged into a speaker playing some of my favorite music. Wow. The whole thing is really impressive to me.

Liam still hasn't noticed my presence so I go up behind him and nudge his shoulder. Apparently it really takes him by surprise because as he turns around, his arm swing around and slugs me in the face, giving me a bloody nose.

"Oh, oh god, what have I done?! I'm so sorry love, I thought you were a bear! Oh no, are you hurt?" He runs to the set up and grabs some napkins and holds them up against my nose. I just laugh because I find the situation kind of funny. I mean, yeah, it hurt, but I just find it funny that he thought I was a bear! Lets just say, if I actually were a bear, he'd be perfectly fine in relation to self defense. Anyways, he's flustered by my laughter.

"Liam, it's fine, it's not your fault!" I say, trying to calm him down. I'll have to say, I sound like Squidward, since there's a napkin held up to my nose.

"What? Of course it's my fault I..." I shush him.

"Liam. It was just self defense. Calm down." He nods.

By now my nose has stopped bleeding and I can talk normally again. We go sit on the blanket and Liam starts pulling out various food that I have to try my hardest not to drool on. He conjures up a plate and hands it to me. Extra pasta. I do a happy dance in my head. I wait for him to finish serving his food before I start eating mine, though.

"Bon appetite!" He says, and I start eating it.

"This is absolutely delicious, I don't even know how to describe it." He smiles as I say this.

When we finish the main course, he grabs the tray of cupcakes. Extra frosting. Dang. He got this down to the tiniest detail! The only thing I want to know is, why? Well, I don't ponder the question for long because it is quickly answered.

"Anna?" He asks, looking me straight in the eyes.


"Um, there's something I've been meaning to tell you for a while now, but I didn't know how to say it. So, I'm just going to say it. I really like you, you make me happier than I've ever been. Now, I can't even imagine a world without you." I grin with a mouth full of cupcake as he continues. "Will you be my girlfriend?"

I cover my mouth and nod, so as not to spew frosting all over him until I can talk.

"Yes!" I finally say. He looks as if he's a happy mix between overjoyed and relieved. He gets up to sit next to me and hugs me when he sits down. We continue to eat our cupcakes, watching a flock of birds fly across the sky. I feel like the luckiest girl in the world.




Now I know a lot of you have been waiting for this chapter, *cough* @Hannah__Grace *cough*, sorry, allergies, but anywayssss here it is! Hope you liked it!

Also I'm going to try and upload a pic of Anna's dress and maybe the clutch.



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