Chapter 16 - The Dance

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*Anna's POV

By the next morning I had heard absolutely nothing from any of the guys or from Hannah. I honestly thought they would have at least texted me. Or one of the others. It's not like we can't be reached. I was starting to question whether they even wanted to come. I was on the bed checking my email when Ari came in.

"Have you heard anything yet?" I asked her.

"Nothing. I watched them all leave last night, but we were all asleep by the time they came back." She said, sitting down at the desk chair. She starts tapping her fingers out of impatience. Jack shyly comes in next wearing a nice dress shirt and slacks. He walks up to the chair Ari's sitting on and goes down on one knee. He pulls a rose out from behind his back.

"Ari? Will you do me the honors of being my date to the dance this evening?" He asks, handing her the rose. She puts the biggest smile anyone has ever seen, across her face.

"Yes!" He gets up to give her a gigantic hug and a peck on the cheek. I'm just watching the whole thing, awing. I start clapping. They both turn to me; they forgot I was even there.

Jack leaves and Ari comes over to me.

"We need to find Liam." Is all she says. I'm not even sure how she knew, but she's Ari. She knows all.

*Liam's POV

I don't even know what to do. What if she says no? What if she doesn't like the bracelet? What if she doesn't even like me?! Wait...of course she likes me. What am I saying?! I walk over to my shoebox and take out the small Tiffany & Co. pouch. I slip it in the pocket of my trousers and head out. Harry stops me at the door.

"Where are you going?" He asks, looking as if he already knows the answer.

"Out." I reply vaguely and keep walking outside.

"Way to avoid the question!" He yells back at me, and shuts the door. I ignore him and continue my journey to find Anna. Before I go to her cabin though, I take a lap around the lake to walk off some of the nerves. It starts to work a little.

*Anna's POV

"I see him!" Ari points out to me, directing my attention to the lake.

"Awesome, thanks. You should probably go back in now." I suggest.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA no. You were there when Jack asked me, so I'm not going anywhere."

"Ugh, stubborn child. At least go by a tree or something." Sure enough, she does, and I can't even tell where she is. I go towards Liam, who was actually walking really fast. He looks up to see me and stops walking. He looks a little nervous and takes a second to recover. He comes up to me with his hand in his pocket.

"Hi, Anna." He says softly.

"Hello." I reply, equally quiet. "Did you find anything interesting in the mail?"

"Define interesting."

"Unexpected, spontaneous, exciting, intriguing?"

"Actually, yes. It fits each of those definitions." He grins a little. I break a smile. He pulls out a little blue pouch from his pocket. "Anna Johnson, would you accompany me at the dance as my date?" By now he's really close to me, his hands holding mine, the pouch in between.

"What, your not going to go down on one knee?" I whisper. His face turns beat red.


"I'm only kidding with you! Of course I'll be your date!" His face comes back to a normal color and his smile returns. He pulls me into an embrace. When he lets go, he takes something out of the little blue pouch. It's an infinity bracelet that he puts on my wrist.

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