Chapter 22 - The Plan

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I wake up the next morning practically sick to my stomach. I was terrified of what might happen with the paparazzi. The doorbell rang and I met Liam at the door.

"You ready?" He asks. I nod, but he doesn't look too ready himself. He slips his hand into mine as we walk to the car to go to the restaurant. He opens my door and closes it behind me then continues to the drivers seat. As he drives I can't keep myself from thinking about what could go wrong. What if I let it slip that we weren't actually dating then? What they make me look like an absolute jerk? What if the fans don't like me? Liam stops at a red light and turns towards me.

"Are you alright? You look a little nervous."

"Um, yeah. I'm fine, just hoping that I do everything right."

"You couldn't do anything wrong!" He says to me with a smile. The light turned green so he couldn't see me rolling my eyes. I was sure there was a way to screw something up. With my past experiences, I learned that no matter how hard I try to do something right, something goes wrong. I just need to accept that.

We arrive at a French restaurant and sit a minute before going inside, to put the plan in action. I take my phone out and click into Twitter.

"Lunch at 'La Maison' with @Real_Liam_Payne <3" I tweet. Within seconds, Liam retweets it, and I retweet his. We go inside hoping for the best. Inside, is a beautiful restaurant decorated with stone walls, vintage pottery, and a large painting of the Eiffel Tower.

"Bonjour! How many?" a waiter says with a heavy French accent.

"Just two." Liam answers. The waiter takes us to a small table in the middle of the restaurant and hands us each a menu. I look it over and quickly spot a croque monsieur. Yes. That's what I'm getting. It's kind of like a grilled ham and cheese with a special sauce. It's absolutely delicious and if you've never had one, you definitely should find one. I close my menu and set it on the table. Seeing that Liam has done the same things, I ask him what he's getting.

"Le croque monsieur." He says in a funny French accent. "Et toi?"

"Moi aussi! Tu aimes le croque monsieur?"

"Ah, oui! C'est très bon." We both burst out laughing at our terrible interpretation of the French language. For smart people, we just did a poor job making our words actually sound French. I don't even know what language it sounded like!

The waiter takes down our order and brings the slip to the kitchen so they can start making our food. As we're about to start engaging in a conversation, a kid probably 14 years old comes up to our table, holding a pad of paper. She has a camera around her neck

"Hello! My name's Jordan. Could I ask you two a few questions?" Wow. This is not nearly as bad as I thought. I thought an entire flock of paparazzi would show up at the restaurant, but instead a small reporter was sent. She couldn't be more than 14 years old.

"Uh, sure! Have at it." I say.

"So! You're Anna?" She asks me.


"How old are you?"


"When did you meet Liam?"

"About a month ago."

"What are some of your interests?"

"Well, I love music and photography."

"Cool! Do you have any examples of your photography with you?"

"Uh, yeah...on my phone." I take my phone out and scroll through to the first hike. Jordan eagerly takes my phone and starts swiping through them. She stops at the one of Liam and I. She completely forgot about my actual photography and turned towards me.

"Oh. My. Gosh. You have GOT to send this one to me!" She has a massive smile on her face continues to send it to herself. She hands me my phone back. "So! What did you do for your first date?"

"We haven't officially gone on our first date yet." Liam chips in. Jordan raises her eyebrows and grows a huge smile on her face. She gets closer to Liam and whispers to him.

"Do you have any special plans?" She asks and his cheeks turn a little red.

"Um, not yet." Her smile fades a little. She comes back to me, smile returning.

"Do you live around here? I know for a fact that Liam doesn't!"

"No, I live up in New York. I'm on vacation right now."

"What are you going to do when it comes time to go home?" I hadn't really thought about that yet. My mood suddenly dropped and I feel like I'm about to cry. I don't even know how to answer the question. Luckily, Liam steps in and answers it for me.

"I plan on coming with her. At least for the rest of the summer." A sweet smile form on his face as we face each other.

"You really mean that?" I ask in a soft tone. He nods. I lean across the table to hug him and he hugs me back. A tear streams down my face, but not sad tears, happy. Jordan starts fanning herself and jumping up and down.

"This. Is. Great!! And I get to hear this first hand? I mean, it doesn't get any better!"

Our food arrives and Jordan stares at it awkwardly.

"Uh, I guess I better get going! It was nice meeting you both and I hope to be in touch!" She starts to walk away.

"Would you like to join us?" I ask.

"I'd love to, but I'm late for another interview." She says looking a little down.

"Aw okay." I actually like this girl. She wasn't mean or looking for too much information. Way better than anything I was expecting.

Liam and I turn back to each other to eat our food. I'm kind of glad that Jordan came when she did, or otherwise I would have been a little cranky that the food took so long. Anyways, it's delicious. When we finish, the waiter brings by the check and I slap down my credit card on the table, at the exact same time as Liam slaps down his. He glares as me.

"You really think I'm going to let you pay?" He says to me, smirking a little.

"Well, I don't know..." I stop talking when he takes my credit card and slides it in his wallet. "Hey! That's my credit card!"

"You won't be needing it when you're with me, and this will make sure you don't try and use it." His sparkling eyes staring deviously into mine.

"What about when I'm not with you?" I ask.

"That's not going to happen."



HELLOOOOOOOO okay I'm so sorry I haven't updated in over a week. I've had about 15 hour school days then had to go do homework until a lot later than I like. BUT! I'm back on normal schedule this week and will update more! Yay! I'm excited ok. BYEEEE

The Possibilities of Summer ~ A Liam Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now