Chapter 23 - First Date

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I specifically pulled today aside to spend the whole day with Liam. He said he had special plans, but wouldn't give me any hints as to what they are. Evan's only request was that we pick up Jack at some point throughout the day. Also, Ari promised to shoot me with her marshmallow gun if I didn't.

Liam never even told me exactly what I should wear or what I should bring. To keep it safe for basically anything that might come up, I choose to wear a high low dress with a thin silver belt and matching flats. The top half of the dress is white while the bottom half is navy blue. I glance over at the clock, seeing that I'm a few minutes late. I'm not too worried though. It's not like Liam's never been late! Someone knocks on my door, who I was thinking would be Ari or Evan, but apparently I'm wrong.

"You're late!" Liam says, as if he's trying to be mad at me, but he's absolutely horrible at it. He starts to giggle. "Niall's right. I can't be mad at you! Just to clear it up though, I'm not actually mad, I was testing Niall." I roll my eyes and laugh, walking over to him to give him a hug. I let go. He's wearing a nice white dress shirt with khaki pants.

"As you can see, I'm not ready yet." I say to him.

"You look ready!" He says with a hopeful grin.

"You're kidding right? I've done absolutely nothing with my hair." His lower lip juts out a little and he lowers his face. I continue to the bathroom.

I pull out the flat iron to straighten my hair. While it's heating up, I also pull out the curling iron. After I flattened all of my hair, I curled just the tips. To pull it all together, I slipped on a silver headband that matches my belt and shoes. I take a guess that twenty minutes has passed by, so I quickly finish up in the bathroom and go back to Liam in my room. He's sitting in the desk chair, spinning. I'd yell at him, but I was doing that exact same thing less than two hours ago. He stops spinning and gets up, a little off balance from the dizziness. I join him there to keep him from falling.

"Sorry, I couldn't resist." He says once he regains his balance.

"No worries, I do the same thing!"

After a few minutes of talking and we decide that it's time to go, he reaches into his pocket and pulls out a piece of fabric.

"Here, put this on."

"What is it?" I stare at it in confusion.

"It's a blindfold. I want everything to be a surprise." I silently agree and he puts the blindfold on for me. I'm a little insecure about not being able to see anything, but I know Liam won't let anything happen to me. Before I know it, he's picking me up bridal style and is taking downstairs, and out to a car. I can't specify which one, obviously, since I can't see anything.

He drives for what seems like hours, but evntually we come to a stop somewhere. I hear Liam's door open and close and my door opens less than 15 seconds later. He reaches towards the knot where the blindfold is tied in the back of my head and unties it. I reach around for my sunglasses, knowing the sun will burn my since I haven't been exposed to light in a while. Finally, the blindfold comes off.

"Don't open your eyes yet!" Liam says as he places his hand over my eyes. Whatever it is, he really wants me to be suprised.

He leads me somewhere before I get a chance to grab my phone but I figure I won't be needing it. He uncovers my eyes and once my eyes adjust, I take in my surroundings. There's a beautiful log cabin restaurant with a balcony looking over a small river.

"It's gorgeous." I say to Liam. He grabs my hand and we go into the restaurant. A waitress leads us onto the balcony where there is one single table for two set up. She brings us some drinks and a basket of bread. Within minutes she comes back with a couple plates of food. We didn't even order but Liam must have said something in advance because sitting in front of me is exactly what I would have ordered. I smile at him and he blushes a little.

"How is it?" He asks me, motioning towards my plate of spaghetti.

"It's delicious." He smiles with his triumph. After we both finish our plate of food, we share a bowl of ice cream.

"Do you want the cherry?" I ask him.

"Only if you don't." I grab it by the stem and hand it to him. He happily eats it and I watch as he gazes out over the river.

"What's caught your eye?" I ask.

"Oh, nothing. I was just noticing the canoes. Hey, I bet we can rent one! You want to?"

"I'm kind of wearing a dress but I don't see why not!" We leave the restaurant and grab one of the canoes. He holds the tip of it while I step in, and he follows in after. We just paddle in circles for a while until the wind starts picking up.

"I think it's going to rain, maybe we should..." Before I can even finish my sentence, a larger gust of wind flips the boat over. Great. I'm really glad I decided to wear a pair of sliders under my dress. I resurface and see that Liam already flipped the boat back over. Well, since I'm already wet, I might as well swim a little. I reach for my shoes to take them off and put them in the boat. I look in and find that Liam's already done the same. Speaking of which, where'd he go? I swim around to see where he went but I can't find him anywhere. Out of nowhere, something grabs me from behind and I scream. I immediately stop though because I'm turned around to Liam. I smile. As it starts to rain, he pulls me up against him and kisses me passionately as I wrap my arms around his neck. Only when we heard the first crash of thunder did we decide that maybe we should get out of the water. He got back in the canoe first then lifted me up into it next to him. He paddled back to the dock and it started raining harder. We were both laughing as we ran back to the car.

"Here." Liam says as he hands me a towel from the trunk. I take it and wrap myself in it. I start shivering because I'm freezing from being wet. Liam immediately notices and embraces me to try and help. He's really warm.

"Thanks." I say and we both get in the car. He turns on the heat and the defrosters to warm up the car but still make it so we can see out the window. "Today was absolutely amazing."

"I'm glad you liked it!" He says as he puts the car in drive to get Jack.


Helloooo ok so I'm not sure when it happened but half of this chapter disappeared so I just now rewrote it. Hopefully it's close to how it was before since I didn't have backup and I'm writing it from memory over a month later. You could say I was a little mad when I saw it was gone. So yeah. Byeeee

The Possibilities of Summer ~ A Liam Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now