Chapter 6 - Settling In

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How exactly do you tell your five best friends that you're basically spending the next five weeks with One Direction? I mean, is there a way to do that without any screaming? No. No there isn't. I decide I'm just going to tell them anyways.

As Evan and I are walking back to the cabin, my phone buzzes. I pull it out of my pocket (which luckily stayed dry) and check to see who the message is from.

Liam?!? How did he get my number?? I open the message, to see that he had sent himself a text earlier. Wait. The better question I should be asking now is, how did he get in my phone?! There's a password! I guess I need to change it...

Anyways, I read the text, which says, 'sorryyy I knocked you over, I hope you feel better!'

Aww! That's so nice!! I text him back, 'it's not ur fault! I wasn't kidding when I said I'm a clutz. :)' and slide my phone back in my pocket.

"Ya mind telling me exactly what happened?" Evan asks a little curious of the situation.

I tell him everything from hearing them singing, all the way until when I woke up.

"My god Anna, only you would end up knocked out as the result of hearing a little music." he says smiling a little and shaking his head. I laugh.

We get back to the cabin and the girls are all waiting out on the porch.

"Oh my gosh! Thank goodness you're okay!!" Ari says, as they all crowd around me for a group hug. I decide not to tell them that it really hurts when they touch my head, because they only get group hugs every so often.

"Okay, you guys have to promise me you're not going to scream." I tell them.

"Why would we scream?" Ava asks.

"Just promise, okay?"

"Um, okay." they say a little hesitantly.

"Our neighbors? Yeah, they're One Direction." I just flat out tell them.

Ari claps her hands over her mouth and falls to the ground, kicking her feet. At least she's conscious. The others are all freaking out (in a good way) and jumping up and down. This is the happiest I've seen them in a long time. Ari's still on the ground, her face turning a bit red as she tries her absolute hardest not to scream.

"Calm down Ari, get the crazy out now before we meet them tomorrow!" at this she hyperventilates a little, but manages to get up off the ground. We all just smile at her.

We all want tomorrow to come as fast as possible, so we just go right to bed.

The next morning, I got up extra early. Before breakfast I wanted to get in a quick morning jog around the lake. I walk outside, and see that Evan had the same idea. Hold up, who's he jogging with?? I sit on the front step of the porch and slip on my purple Nikes. Then I start my jog and catch up with them.

Liam? Why's he jogging with Liam? Hmm...

"Hey guys! Wait up!" they both turn around and wave to me. I catch up with them.

"Hi!" Liam says as he hugs me. Oh my god. THE Liam Payne just hugged me. I hug him back.

"Can I join ya'll?" I ask, more inviting myself than asking permission to join.

"I don't see why not" Evan says, moving over so I can jog in between them.

We just kind of jog in silence until we get back to our cabin, where Evan decides he should go cook breakfast.

"I need to go make breakfast. Don't go hurting yourself this time." he says to us, joking, obviously, but still being a little protective. I roll my eyes.

We keep jogging, this time without Evan, and it gets a little less silent. I still can't believe this is happening.

"So! I see you're feeling better?" He asks me.

"Yes, actually. It hurts a little to the touch, but I'm fine. I do have a quick question though. How did you get into my phone?" I asked him, somewhat afraid of the answer. My password was 'Liam', obviously, since I'm a Liam girl.

"Lucky guess?" Great. Now he knows. "Well, I'm guessing you already know quite a bit about me, so how about you tell me about yourself?"

Well thanks Captain Obvious. "Umm, I love music, whether its listening, playing, or reading it. Oh! I'm 17, you should probably know. My five best friends are Cristina, Ari, Emma, Ava, and Brittany, who are actually here. I'm not actually giving you a choice, but you will get to meet them. Um, I'm not sure what else to say."

He chuckles, "I'll help you! What's your favorite color?"


"Comedy or horror movie?"



"Pasta, chocolate, not mint, and not vegetables."


"Too many to pick a favorite!"

"Beach or mountains?"

"Both!" we come back up towards the cabin. "I gotta go, food calls! I'll come back after with my friends so you can meet them!"

"Okay, I'll see you then"

Did he just wink at me? I must have imagined it. There's just no way. I go back inside to see that everyone is actually up.

"Morning!" I tell them.


After breakfast we all go upstairs. We all have unpacked, but we haven't really made ourselves at home. Well, except for Brittany. We each start putting everything we brought where we think it should go. I put my clothes in the closet and I'd already had enough. I pulled out my laptop and sat it up on the desk. I turned it on just to do a typical Facebook check. Nothing new really, so I just go into Cristina's room.

"Hey, whenever you're all finished, we can go up to the guys cabin!"

"Am I allowed to scream now?"



We both just burst out laughing, then I go to tell the others.

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