Chapter 12 - The Amusement Park: Part One

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*Early the next day

When we got to the park it was nearly empty. It doesn't really help that we showed up an hour before it even opens (oops) but it was also early morning in the middle of the week. Instead of leaving and coming back, we decided to sit at the front gate until it opens.

Brittany, Ava, and Zayn wanted to stay back for the day. They wanted to explore the property a bit and relax. It doesn't happen very often that no one is really there to bother them except each other.

As we're sitting on the sidewalk outside the entrance to the park, someone who looks like a manager, or pretty high up at least, starts coming towards us. Niall hid behind Harry, not wanting to get arrested.

"Niall, grow a spine! He's not a cop!" Harry whisper yells to him. He blushes and comes out from behind him. The guy comes up to us smiling, so we know we're not in trouble.

"Hello all! I couldn't but notice that you're One Direction!" he says directing Liam, Harry, Niall, and Louis, but looking for Zayn, "Would you all like to get an early entrance to the park before the crowds get crazy? We happen to be set up early today."

"That would be lovely!" Liam tells him. He leads us in through the gates, locking them behind us, and takes us to the ticket booth. He grabs 10 VIP bracelets, which basically allow us to do whatever we want. In Niall's case, it more importantly meant unlimited food. I could almost see his mind turning with ideas.

"Wow! This is incredible! How much do we owe you?" Liam asks the guy.

"My treat!" He replies. We all tell him thank you and he walks away to finish opening up the park. I'm looking around at all of the rides, and I don't see a single ride that I want to go on, except maybe the carousel. I don't do rides. I'm a little too claustrophobic. I find myself staring at the biggest ride, called the Crackle. It goes 200 feet in the air, 80 mph, and has 90 degree drops. I cringe just looking at it. Of course on the other hand, Ari, Cristina, Jack, and Louis are headed right towards it. I cringe again. This time Liam notices it.

"You don't like roller coasters?" He asks.

"No, I'm extremely claustrophobic. I don't do fast either. It's a bad combination." I explain to him.

"Well! I think this is something I can fix!" He says. No. He's not getting me on one of those things. That's exactly what I tell him, but he gives me the puppy dog face, and I somehow end up giving in. What is wrong with me?! I should be immune to this by now! Apparently not...

As I'm being dragged on the roller coaster, I see that Niall and Harry are getting on the carousel. I wanna come!! I also see Evan, Emma, and Hannah going towards the simulation rides.

Being the only ones here, obviously there was no line to get on the ride. Darn it. Liam lightly pulls me to the front of the coaster. I hesitate a little, but I know that I will get absolutely no peace until I get on, so I do. He notices that I'm shaking.

"It's ok. Just hold my hand and you'll be fine." He tells me. This is what I start out doing, until they put the handle bar down. I hold Liam's hand a little tighter. Then when the cart starts to move and I resort to grabbing his entire arm with both of my hands, hanging on for dear life.

"You're fine." He assures me, giving me a small smile, and patting my knee with the hand I am currently strangling. I start taking deeper breaths, trying to calm myself down. This works until we go down the first hill. Then I lose it and bury my face into his shoulder, wanting only for it to end. Well, I stay like that until it finishes. Even at the end though, I don't realize that it's over.

"Anna, it's over." He tells me, softly nudging my shoulder. I just squeak. I'm still a little stunned. When I said I don't do roller coasters, I wasn't exactly kidding. It's a little pathetic, I know, but that's just how it's always been. Liam picks me up and sets me on the closest bench. Just being off of that thing makes me feel better. Well, at least enough to communicate.

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