Chapter 15 - Shop Till Ya Drop

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@CrisTommo6 - Boo

Me - omg

Don't judge ;)


*Liam's POV

"Hey I found these in the mail today!!!" Hannah practically yells to me as she runs inside.

"What are they?" I ask.

"Some kind of card! There's one for each of us!" She says as she hands me mine. I open it to find this magnificently crafted card. Actually, as I look at it closer and read the writing, I see that it's an invitation. By now Hannah had brought the guys in and they were also opening their invitations.

"There's going to be a dance!!" Hannah says excitedly.

"Wait, what? No, I don't dance." Zayn says.

"Oh come on, I'm sure Emma will teach you." Harry tells him, his eyebrows doing a dance.

"What?" He looks a little confused, but then realizes what he was talking about and blushes.

"That's right, you know exactly what I'm talking about." He says with a massive grin. Zayn blushes even more. It was pretty obvious he liked Emma.

"Anyways, we have nothing to wear. The invitation says formal."Zayn says trying to avoid the subject.

"SHOPPING EXPEDITION!!!!!!!!!!!!" Louis chips in, loud enough for the whole world to hear. At that I grab the keys and we go to the nearest shopping mall. It takes close to 45 minutes to arrive though, due to the location of the cabin. Louis' first suggestion was the Brooks Brothers he googled while we were driving. He had looked up the mall and what stores were in it. Anyways, we go there.

"Wow, these are nice suits!" I say, looking at the $998 price tag, to which might make a normal person pass out. I glance over at Louis who has already found three he likes and is now over at the ties. He has his hands on a navy blue and white striped one. I could have guessed.

"Do you think this will match Cristina's dress? Wait. Did I say that out loud?! Forget I said anything..." Louis blurts out. Harry grins really big and does his eyebrow dance again.

"Knew it!" He says.

"Pshhhhh I have no idea what you're talking about..."

I decide it's best to just leave the two of them alone and figure out what I'm going to wear. Quickly I find a nice jet black suit jacket and matching trousers. I also spot a lovely white dress shirt. The difficult task will be the tie. Looking at the display, I have no idea where to start. Eventually I settle on a light turquoise textured one. Then I find a pair of nice leather shoes.

As for the other guys, they had already chosen several suits each. Why, I can't answer, but there isn't really a reason not to I guess. We all head to the check out and pay for our massive load of suits. We manage to spend over $20,000. I then realize that Hannah is just sitting on a bench waiting for us to finish shopping.

"Hannah!" she turns towards me, "I've finished if you'd like to find a dress." She smiles and nods. I tell the guys to come find us when they've finished, and we walk over to Betsey Johnson. She quickly grabs several of the dresses and goes to try them on. About 20 minutes later, she comes out with one of them in her hands, as Niall joins us.

"I like this one!" She says matter of factly. It's a beautiful green dress that's ruffled at the bottom, with a white top. Niall hands her his credit card.

"I can't let you..." She starts, "eh, yes I can." And she takes the credit card and hugs her cousin. She goes up to the register to pay and the others arrive.

"We should go to Tiffany & Co. and find matching jewelry for you!" Niall suggests. She agrees and we all attempt to find it since we have a half hour before the mall closes. While they find something for Hannah, I wander off a little. One of the employees approaches me.

"May I help you find something in particular?" He asks.

"I'm trying to find something for a girl." I explain, being a little vague.



"I think I have the perfect thing." He walks away and comes back with a little blue pouch. Inside is a shiny silver chain bracelet that has an infinity sign with studded diamonds linked in the middle.

"It's perfect." I say and pay for it without the others realizing. I slip the bag and the receipt into the shoe box with my new leather shoes so no one notices. I rejoin the others as they just about finish. They quickly pay as the mall is closing.

On the way back, Niall complains that he's starving so we stop at a local ice cream shop. There weren't very many people there since it was getting a little late, but one or two asked for a picture. Of course, I never have a problem with this. I love meeting fans.

Anyways, we each get our ice cream, myself being the last to get to the table. When I get there, Harry has a spoonful of ice cream on his nose, spoon included. I take it off and hand him a wipe.

"You'll get frost bite and lose your nose." I inform him.

"Will not!" He responds.

"Go ahead, see how you like life without a nose!" At that he wipes his nose off.

As soon as we all finish our ice cream, we head back to the cabin, having had a successful evening of shopping.


HIIIIIIII so @CrisTommo6 and I were writing our stories together, so it took a REALLY long time to update, due to our sugar high.

Also we may or may not be messing with @Hannah__Grace ;)

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