Chapter 10 - Rafting

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I started packing a small bag with things I thought I might need. This included a waterproof container with food, money, my credit card, my favorite Baby Lips, my car keys, and some gum. I grabbed my phone and walked over to my suitcase to get my waterproof phone case. When I found it, I put it on my phone. Well, I think that'll be all I need.

"Anna, hurry up!" Evan yells up to me. I had completely lost track of time. Oops. I real quick change into a swimsuit and throw on a tee shirt and shorts over it and run downstairs. I pick up my sunglasses off the front table and put them on.

"Ready!" I tell him.

"Great. The guys are waiting outside. I already told the girls the plans and what to eat if we don't get back in time for dinner." He informs me. We walk outside to meet up with the boys.

"Which car should we take?" Zayn asks.

"Um, how about we take the Mercedes and the BMW? They'll fit all of us." Evan suggests. I decide not to mention that that would mean Evan and I driving, so Louis doesn't get the chance. Well played.

"Sounds great." Liam says and we head towards the cars. As I get to my car, I unlock it and Louis jumps into the driver's seat.

"What do you think you're doing?!" I ask him giving him a dirty look as I spin the keys on my finger.

"Driving!" He says with a huge smile on his face, trying to get away with stuff.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA no. Get in the back." He gives me a little fake cry, but does as he's told. I get in and take a quick inventory of who's in with me: Liam, Louis, and Niall. I also notice that there's plastic covering all of the seats so that the seats don't get ruined by wet people sitting on them. Cool, thanks Evan!

"Is everyone ready?" I ask as I pull out the GPS.

"Yup." They all say together.

"Does anyone happen to have the address of where we're going?" I ask. Louis snorts, and so does Niall, as if they had never used directions in their life.

"Here." Liam says, passing me a sheet of paper. Thank god. I plug the address into the GPS.

As we start down the road, I go to turn on my CD that I had never taken out of the system. Wait. The guys probably don't want to listen to themselves the whole way down, so I reach for the XM Radio station and turn it on.

"Hey Niall, you wanna pick a station?" I ask, since he's sitting up front me.

"Sure!" He switches it to the CD. Hm. Maybe they do want to listen to themselves. He watches the little screen until the first song starts playing, and smiles. I can't help but giggle a little bit.

About half an hour later we pull into the entrance and into a parking spot. My brother's Mercedes pulls in next to us. We go into the little office to get information and pay to get the raft.

"Your guide is already out with the raft! Walk right on past this building to the shack with the life jackets and wait for him there." The clerk says. We do as she says and wait a couple of minutes until the guide joins us.

"Hello! My name's Jack, and I'll be your guide today!" I had completely forgotten.

Let me real quick get you up to speed. Ari's boyfriend, Jack, lives with his mom in New York during the school year, and in the mountains with his dad in the summer. I had forgotten that he worked here! He's a certified lifeguard, about 6 foot, and plays water polo at school, for a brief description of him. Anyways, since I'm at the back of the group, I move towards the front.

"Jack! Hi!" I say.

"Oh my gosh! Anna! What are you doing here?!" He asks as he gives me a big hug.

"We rented a cabin about half an hour away for a few weeks and decided to go rafting today!" I say, giving him the short version of the situation.

"Wow! That's great!" He says.

"Hey! How about you come visit for a few days? Ari's at the cabin, and I'm sure she would love the surprise!" I suggest. His eyes light up.

"Really?! Would that be okay?? That sounds amazing! I'll see if I can get off work later!" He seriously looks excited. Then I realize that I didn't introduce him to the others.

"Oh! Everyone, this is Jack, he's Ari's boyfriend." They say hello and continue on. We get our life jackets and head out towards the raft. As we all get in, I pull out my phone.

"Hey Jack! Could I possibly get you to take a pic of all of us?" I ask.

"Of course!" He says grabbing my phone. He snaps the photo and hands me back my phone. He opens up a large built in bin at the back of the raft.

"Okay, if I could get everyone to put their things in this bin, that would be great." We all do as we're told. He seals it and tells us the mandatory safety rules. It's procedure. He gives us a description of what to in case of an emergency and how to use the paddles. The raft started moving and we rushed down the river.

For the most part, the trip was not eventful. It was really fun though. Except when the raft flipped. That was not enjoyable. Let me just say, that water was COLD. It was also hard to flip it right side up. Ugh. At least I was in a raft with seven well built guys, so i really didn't have to do much. Anyways, at the end of the river, we beached the raft. We all got out, grabbing our things, and walked towards the bus that would take us back to where we started.

We get back and return the life jackets. At this point, the sun is starting to set and it's still another half hour to get back. We go to load our things into the cars and Jack comes racing towards us.

"Great news! I can get off the next four days to come stay with you all!" He says, practically jumping up and down. He already packed his bag and was holding it.

"Awesome! Just put your bag in either of the cars." I instruct him. He puts it in my car.

"Is this yours?" He asks, referring to the car.

"Yeah." I say, smiling.

"Wow." He says, just looking at it. I let out a little 'hehe'. By now everything's packed up and we're ready to hit the road. I watch as Jack pulls out his phone.

"Don't text Ari, I want it to be a surprise." I tell him, before it's too late. He smiles, nods, and puts his phone away. I can't help but smile too. Ari's going to be so excited to see her boyfriend. It's only been a little over a week since school let out, but I could tell that Ari seemed somewhat lost without him.


Sorry I've been taking longer between chapters. Been a bit busy! Anyways, vote, comment, or whatever :)


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