Chapter 32 - Home Sweet Home

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"Well that's a relief!" I say to Liam as soon as my parents are out of earshot.

"Yeah, you're dad's a little intimidating!" I nod in agreement considering my dad's a bit taller than Liam at 6 foot 4.

"I promise he's nice though." I reassure him. He shouldn't have anything to worry about. Hopefully.

"This is so sweet!" Liam says, changing the topic and picking up an old family portrait. I was probably five years old and it was taken at our beach house in Florida. I'm used to the photo always being there so I rarely actually look at it.

"Oh my gosh, Evan was so small!" Obviously I know what Evan looked like as a kid but considering how different he looks now, sometimes it's startling.

"Do you have any concerts in Florida this summer?" I ask.

"Yeah, actually. Why do you ask?"

"My parents own a beach house there so I was thinking maybe I could come with you?" His face lights up at the idea.

"Yes! Please, that would be great. Will your parents let you go alone though?"

"Maybe, but I doubt it. I'll have to ask. Not today though since we just got back." It would probably look pretty bad to ask about leaving when we've only been home about an hour. Also, it's one thing going a few hours away with your older brother and another to go to Florida with your boyfriend. From a parent's perspective, one's slightly more acceptable than the other. The doorbell rings and I run to get it.

"Ava!" I give her a huge hug and welcome her in. "How was work?"

"Ugh, long and annoying. I swear, some days there are people that it seems like their only purpose in life is to drive a waitress insane. I mean, who orders a cheeseburger without the cheese? If they didn't want the cheese, then why didn't they order the hamburger?"

"Well someone's chatty!" I say, and her cheeks turn a little red. "Follow me, I have a surprise for you." I never her told her that the boys were coming back with us. I wanted it to be a surprise. I lead her past the doorway and into the hallway where Liam is still looking at the family pictures when it dawns on her.

" everyone here?" She whispers to me.

"Yep." She gets excited. She probably wasn't sure if she'd ever get to see them again. I take her into the game room, hooking Liam's arm with mine to drag him as well. When we get in the room, Niall turns around just as Ava is entering, and it catches him off guard. She does a small wave at him and he smiles as she joins him in whatever game he's playing.

"Air hockey?" I turn towards Liam.

"Well, I'm sort of really good at air hockey and I wouldn't want to hurt your pride," he says, giving me a crooked smile, challenging me.

"My pride?" I raise an eyebrow at him. "What makes you so sure you're better than me?"

"I've had quite a bit of practice."

"There's only one way to find out!" I say as I grab the pucks and set them on the table as I toss him a striker.

"You're on." He makes his way towards the end of the table facing me. "Ladies first!" He adds, pushing the puck towards me. I hit it and it goes straight into the goal.

"I wasn't ready!" He pouts, taking the puck out and placing it back on the table. As the rest of the game proves, he wasn't actually ready the first round. The remainder was hardcore. He's actually really good, as he said earlier, but not as good as me. I still beat him by a few points.

"I'll give it to you, Payne, your game is decent. But not quite up to par," I say, just to get a reaction out of him.

"That was just warming up! Let's have another go." We end up playing for another hour. I win four games and he wins one. I may or may not have let him win the one. We would've kept playing, but mom called all of us in for dinner.

"Now, not everyone is going to fit at the kitchen table, if some of you could split between the dining room and the bar?" My mom asks. Honestly, I'm not sure how she's not pulling her hair out yet. There are well over ten people in the apartment and if it weren't my friends, I probably would've gone crazy. The kitchen table fits seven, so my parents, as well as Evan, Louis, Cristina, Liam, and I eat there.

"Everyone can just grab their plate off of the table and serve themselves in the kitchen if they'd like. That's easiest," my dad instructs everyone. I take my plate to get my food. It looks like my mom made chicken piccata while my dad made grilled corn. I've always thought that it was nice that they cook together when they're both home.

As soon as everyone's finished eating, I decide it's probably a good idea to actually get settled in.

"We only have one guest room so some of you will have to use the pullout couches in either the living room or the game room," I say to the boys. They're staying here for a few days until there's availability at the hotel down the street.

"Alright, great!" Zayn says. Everyone sets up their beds as each of my best friends parents come to pick them up. As soon as everyone's gone, I say goodnight I go up to my room. It seems like I haven't been in here for so much longer than five weeks.

I unpack just enough stuff for what I need until tomorrow. I set my laptop on my desk and boot it up. I need to check all the details for the beach party. All I know about it is that it's in a few days and on the beach. I log into Facebook, sure that Brittany made it an event. I click on the link to get the full details and take a screen shot to print it out. While it's printing, a chat head pops up. It's Chad, Ava's ex boyfriend.

Chad: Hey

Me: um...hi?

Chad: are you going to the party on Friday?

Me: yeah, of course. Why?

Chad: I was wondering if you wanted to meet up for lunch somewhere before?

Me: uh...obviously not

Chad: why?

Me: are you stupid??

I already know he is stupid, actually. He cheated on Ava with some slut who literally has a new boyfriend every week. When Ava found out, he broke up with her instead of the other girl. Why anyone would pick a slut over Ava, I have no idea.

Chad: I'm not stupid, I've just been thinking about you a lot lately...

Me: clearly you're stupid

Chad: what?

Me: for starters I have a boyfriend, and second, why would I go to lunch with a scumbag like you?

He can't seriously think I'd pick him over Liam. I don't know what's going through his head, but not everyone's a disloyal pile of dirt like he is.

Chad: well then I guess I'll see you at the party

Me: the beach is big so hopefully not

Why would he think I don't have any hard feelings toward him? You don't just cheat on someone and expect their best friend to be okay with it. I was probably a little harsh on him, but honestly I don't care. He deserves it. I shut my laptop before I can find anymore drama.


Hello! I hope everyone had a great break! School starts tomorrow for me but I'll try harder to update on the weekends.

Please vote!! :)

I love you allllll


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