Chapter 24 - And You Are...?

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Apparently it's not that far to get Jack from where the restaurant was because we were only driving for about 20 minutes. We arrive and Jack comes running out the door and to the car as fast as possible because it's still raining. He hops in and shuts the door as Liam's about to pull away.

"Wait! Hold up a sec!" Liam stops the car. "I just wanted to get out of the rain. Can a friend join us for a little while?" He asks.

"Yeah, sure. I don't see a problem with that" I say as he calls his friend, who comes running within 30 seconds. When he slams the car door shut he introduces himself.

"Hey I'm Blake, and what might your name be?" He says directing towards me. I'm guessing he recognized Liam, making me the only stranger.

"Hi, I'm Anna. Nice to meet you." I offer back my hand for him to shake.

"Very nice indeed." What...? "So how about you tell me about yourself? I mean, um, since we'll be spending the next week together." He adds.

"Well, I'm going to be a senior in high school next year, music and my friends are my life. Uh, I love the outdoors but I also love shopping. That's pretty much it. You?"

"I love dirt bikes and swimming. I could go for some shopping...and I am a single pringle!" He says, checking me out. Ew. Back off creep!

"Okay. I'm just going to put an end to this right now. I have a boyfriend and I would appreciate it if you would respect that."

"Ah, feisty one I see." He replies, imitating a cat. Did he seriously just do that?

"Um, Jack? CONTROL YOUR FRIEND." I yell to the backseat.

"Uh...he's not usually like this..I don't know what to do!" So he slapped him. Well I guess that'll do it. Unfortunately, Blake quickly pulls himself back together.

"Maybe I wasn't clear about what I want." Blake says, grabbing my hand, which I quickly pull back. That's when I notice the car pulling over. Liam stops the car and turns towards Blake.

"Let ME make this clear. You put one finger on my girlfriend and I will personally slit your throat." The weird part was that he said all of this with a creepy smile, gritting his teeth. But wow, that's not a side I think I've seen out of him!

"Dang, I'm sorry bro. I didn't know YOU were her boyfriend."

"It shouldn't matter. It's called respect. Get some." I'm really liking this sassy side of Liam. Is that bad?

Jack doesn't even look like he can function. He's in complete shock. It's not his fault though. I'm sure if he had known that his friend is a complete dirt bag that he wouldn't have invited him. Poor kid. The rest of the car ride was silent and awkward. When we got back to the cabin, Blake started acting like a completely different person. Whether it was a one time thing or not though, I decided it was easiest to just avoid him. I went up to my room and shut the door in hopes of some privacy. I turned on some music just loud enough that I can comfortably hear it. Someone knocks on the door, but I don't really feel like talking to anyone right now.

"Who is it?" I ask politely, trying to make my bad mood less obvious. Whoever it is doesn't answer me and just opens the door. Liam. When I said I didn't feel like talking to anyone, I meant anyone but Liam.

"Hey." He says with a small bowl of ice cream, along with the entire container of it. He hands me the container and a fork. I smile.

"Thanks. So what brings you up here?" I ask.

"My upset girlfriend."

"Was it that obvious?"

"Well, I'm used to you being happy all of the time, so yes it was obvious. To me." I hug him, then we sit down and finish our ice cream. He sure knows how to make me feel better.

"You're amazing." I tell him.

"You are. And Blake shouldn't be an issue anymore." It really did feel reassuring.

The next morning I woke up a couple of minutes late, making me the last one to arrive at the breakfast table. Just my luck, the only open seat left is next to Blake. I'm about to go back upstairs and pretend I was sleeping the whole time and missed breakfast, when Cristina noticed me and pointed to the French toast, a little too excitedly. Busted.

"Morning!" I pull out the chair to sit in it, and push it closer to Cristina and farther from Blake. He doesn't seem to notice too much. Even if he did, I wouldn't care. I grab some French toast and bacon and start eating. "Wow, Evan this is really good!"

"Why thank you!" He says, all proud of himself.

"Don't be too impressed. He didn't make it, Liam did." Liam can cook? Well this was new news for me! I threw a sarcastic glare at Evan. Wait...where is Liam? Why would he make us all of this food then not stay to eat any of it? I'm about to say something when my phone vibrates.

From: Liam

Message: The guys and I had to go do some tour stuff this morning so I brought you some food. You were still asleep when I stopped by, so I decided to let you get your beauty sleeppp ;) catch you later?

I quickly text him back and continue eating my food. One of these days he is going to have to teach me how to cook because this food is amazing.

After breakfast I head back upstairs to grab a quick shower. When I try to shut he bedroom door, a hand keeps it from closing.

"Look, Anna, I think we got off on the wrong foot." It was Blake. He pushed the door back open to where I could see his face.

"Gee. I wonder why that could be!"

"I'm sorry okay? I'm not quite sure what got into me."

"I accept your apology, but I would prefer if you would please just keep your distance."

"I understand why you're mad at me, but really it's your fault."

"My fault?! How is any of this my fault?!"

"It just is."

"How does that even begin to make any sense?! What did I do?!"

"You didn't tell me first thing that Liam's your boyfriend."

"Who does that?! I mean, when introducing themselves, who just randomly says, 'oh, in case you were boyfriend is Liam Payne'? Oh yeah, no one!"

"Whatever. It's not my fault you don't know common sense!"

"Common SENSE?! Get out. Just get out." I point out the door before I absolutely explode on him. He takes the hint.

"Fine! But don't come crying to me!"

"About WHAT?!"

With his back turned to me as he's walking away, he shrugs.

"You disgust me." I finish, getting the last comeback of the conversation.


Oooooooh snap, someone's going after Anna.

Anyways, HELLLOOOOOOOOO once again, sorry it's been so long, I've been busy and bla bla bla.

Vote, comment, whatever! Love you all!!!!!!



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