Chapter 9 - A Hike in the Woods

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Woah. Where am I?! I look around to make out my surroundings, discovering that I'm in my bed. How'd I get here? What time is it? What happened after I fell asleep? I started getting all of these questions, and no one appeared to be around to answer any of them. Well, except my phone. I turn it on and look at the screen. 6:15?! Why am I up this early?! At this point it's too late to go back to sleep, I'm already up.

I go sit ln the bed with my phone and check Facebook. As I scroll through the feed, I notice that a lot of my friends that just graduated are posting about packing for college. Then it hit me. Oh my god. Evan! I had been so caught up in the moment that I forgot that this would be the last summer I could spend with him before he goes to college. I should be taking advantage of this trip. Realizing this, I real quick change into clothes I can exercise in and head downstairs. For some reason, Evan had been getting up early every morning this summer, so I thought he might be in the living room right now. As I get there, my thoughts are proven correct.

"Morning Evan! You wanna go for a hike?" I ask him.

"Sure! I'm always up for a good sweat" he answers.

We go outside and head towards the hiking trail, Evan taking the lead because he had been the only one to hike it so far this trip. Actually, I'm not sure why I didn't hike it sooner. As I'm looking around, I notice that it's really pretty. Some flowers blooming, birds chirping.

"So! How was your drive up here?" I ask, trying to create some conversation.

"Eh, long and boring for the most part." he replies.

"And having Ari shotgun?" I was actually curious of this answer. I know Ari likes annoying Evan as much as Cristina does.

"She took control of the radio. Now don't get me wrong, I don't have a problem with Adam Lambert every now and then, but that was...just...too much. Six hours straight of him? I was about to explode." He went into a description of how Ari was singing at the top of her lungs the entire trip, and how when he tried to put on his own music once, he almost lost his arm.

"And I was like, 'yo, I'm driving, I get to pick the music'. And she's like, 'You wish!' as if she owned me!" he says, describing the entire situation, laughing back at it.

To get to the top of the mountain is two miles, so we continue and try to get there. As we're walking, we hear sticks breaking and footsteps coming closer to us. Evan stops and pulls out his bear spray, afraid of what it might be. As the sound gets closer, it sounds big enough to actually be a bear. Maybe not a big bear, but still a bear. When it gets close enough to see, we realize it not a bear. Or anything that could potentially cause as much harm as a bear. Or even close to it, for that matter. It's Liam. Evan puts down his bear spray.

"Hey guys! Mind if I join?" he asks.

"Sure!" I say, just incase he didn't notice that his question is rhetorical. We continue walking and talk about plans for the rest of the day. Liam tells us how he plans on going rafting later on, a few miles away from here.

"Hey! The raft holds 7 people and the guide. Would the two of you like to come along?" he asks. Hmm. Not too crazy about there not being enough room for the girls, but it still sounds like a ton of fun.

"Sounds great! Evan, you up for it?" I'm pretty much assuming he wants to since that's the type of stuff he likes to do. but I ask just to make sure.

"I'm game." Thought so.

We reach the top of the mountain and I look around at the scenery in awe. I can see for what seems like 50 miles. I take in the 360 degree view, it's just so beautiful. Then, I take out my phone to take a panorama shot.

"Let's take some pictures!" I tell the guys, first heading towards Evan. I switch the camera on my phone to front view and we both smile as I snap the shot. Then I go and do the same thing with Liam.

"All three?" I ask as I drag Evan over to where Liam is. I get in the middle and take the picture.

"Can you send those to me?" Liam asks.

"Of course!"

"Me too?" Evan asks. I send them both the three photos. I like the one of the three of us the best, so I set it as my twitter icon. About 5 minutes later my starts buzzing like crazy. But not from Twitter. I open up the first message and it's from Cristina.

From: Cristina Tomlinson

Message: Girl IM STARVING dont go disappearing on me and stealing Evan too...I NEED FOOODDDD.

Dang. I mean, yes, Evan and I do most of the cooking, but we are in no shape or form chefs. Calling our food terrible would be giving it a compliment. There are a couple of dishes that are pretty good, but those are just a few specialties. Anyways, she's perfectly capable of cooking herself.

To: Cristina Tomlinson

Message: Go cook something yourself lazy butt. :P

She quickly texts me back.

From: Cristina Tomlinson

Message: I don't want toooooooo

I scroll through the other messages and they're pretty much all the same thing. Each message increasing in exclamation points. A bunch of them are also from Ari.

To: Ari

Message: Calm dowwnnnnn we're on our way back now. Gah.

That's a lie. We end up staying at least another ten minutes, just staring at the view. Whatever, she'll get over it.

Eventually we do head back to the cabins. When we get back, we part ways with Liam and go inside. In the kitchen, there is a huge mess and it looks as if nothing was actually cooked. In the middle of the floor, is Cristina, covered in flour and eggs.

"So..umm...I tried to make pancakes." I stand corrected. Maybe she can't cook for bad. When I'm done laughing, I help her clean up. Then I go upstairs and check Twitter. I scroll through the timeline and see a tweet from Liam. As I read it, I notice a new icon. It's the same as mine! Wow, this is amazing. Then I also notice that I got a follow from each of the guys. That's when I fall out of my chair.

Ari comes in to see what the thump was, and at first she just laughs at me. Then she looks on my computer screen and collapses, almost falling on top of me.

"Ohmygosh do you want me to send them your username?" I ask, just barely getting out the words over my excitement.

At that she just kind of squeals and starts hitting me. She does that when she's overly excited.

"I'll take that as a yes."

About half an hour later we pull it together and go back downstairs. Cristina and Emma are sitting in the living room and watch us as we come down.

"I'm not even gonna ask what that was all about." Emma says, as if she's kind of afraid of the answer. Honestly though, if I repeat what happened this soon, I might just collapse again.

Evan comes in and says to me, "Go get changed, we leave at 12:30". I almost forgot about rafting. I go back upstairs and get ready for the afternoon ahead of me.

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