Chapter 7 - Hanging with the Guys

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Apparently, I'm the last one to get downstairs to hang out with the boys. Weird, I didn't think I actually took all that long in the shower...oh well. As I go downstairs, I see that everyone is sitting really impatiently, tapping their fingers on the table, some practically shaking at the same time. Well, all except Evan. He went out shopping for the day to get groceries and anything we forgot to bring.

I head straight out the door, getting a head start on the girls. I look back, "Hurry up guys! You're so slow!" joking of course, since I'm the slow one. But their too excited to even notice my bad joke.

"Okay, cool it, we don't need anyone else passing out in front of them." I say, mostly directed towards Ari, who smiles, but says "what?!" a little defensively because she knows that if anyone else passes out, it's bound to be her. I keep leading them towards the other cabin.

When we get close to it, I motion for the girls to stay where they are for a second. I get a couple of whimpers, but they still do as I say. I step onto the front porch and knock on the door. Barely 5 seconds later, Niall opens it and greets me.

"Hey! Let me go get the others! Did you bring your friends??" he asks, finishing off a...burger? Really?! It's not even 10:00! Eh. Whatever floats his boat.

"Yeah! They're just over there. You get the guys, I'll get the girls?"

"Deal!" he says as if he's bargaining on something.

We temporarily part ways as I go to get the girls. I don't walk too far before I end up just motioning them over. Lazy rule #1: if it can be done with less effort, then that is how it shall be done.

No need to tell them twice, they rush over, still trying to stay calm. Well, not really. Normal people would still think they're insane. It'll do though.

The guys come piling out of the cabin, looking just as excited as my friends, oddly enough. I real quick introduce them.

"So! This is Cristina, Ari, Emma, Ava, and Brittany." pointing to each girl as I said their name. They each did a little wave.

"Hey! How about we take the kayaks and paddle boards out on the lake? We have five of each." Niall suggests. I have only one thing to say to this.

"I CALL A PADDLE BOARD!!!!!!" At this we all run towards the lake.

There's a rack set up that holds each piece of equipment. Honestly, I don't trust myself to get any of these down to the lake. Someone's bound to get hit. Then I remember one crucial factor. I can't paddle board in jean shorts!

"Hey, umm, do you guys mind if we go change real quick? We can't exactly do any of this in jeans..."

"Not at all." Liam replies, laughing a little that we took so long to realize. The six of us run back to our cabin and change into our swimsuits. When we return to the lake, the kayaks and paddle boards are all parked along the shoreline. Also, apparently the guys had time to change too.

We all go for our pick of entertainment. Obviously, I grab a paddle board and a paddle. Ari, Cristina, Liam, and Niall also grab them. Zayn, Emma, Ava, and Brittany grab the single kayaks. Louis and Harry take the double. At that, we all push off into the lake.

I jump onto the paddle board and paddle in the same direction as Ari and Cristina. I look back to see Emma and Zayn paddling next to each other. Aw! I can't help but smile at them. Of course, just as I'm turning back around, I run into both Ari and Cristina. All three of us fall off of our paddle boards and create a massive splash that manages to only hit Liam. Curse my clumsiness. Ugh. Luckily, he's not upset, as he splashes me back, using his paddle, with a giant grin on his face. Well, I guess I deserved that.

Unfortunately, it turns into a splash war between everyone, and I find it quite difficult to get back onto my paddle board to fairly participate. Im not the only one though. Ari and Cristina had already given up and were now heading in the direction of Louis and Harry. As they approach them, I watch as they flip over their kayak, dumping them out of. I guess they were smart to realize that it's easier to jump back in a kayak than on a wet paddle board, because they hopped in it. Louis' and Harry's jaws both dropped when they resurfaced, but they quickly begin laughing hysterically instead.

I finally manage to get back on my paddle board as the splashing and screaming dies down. I dare not stand up though. Instead I just sit on it and paddle towards where everyone else is.

Hours pass and we finally decide we should probably get out of the water. As we do so, Evan gets back from his expedition and walks towards us.

"Well I see that you lot weren't bored while I was gone!" he says as he takes of his sunglasses.

"It was a lot of fun! You should join next time!" Liam tells him.

He laughs and tells us to come in for lunch.

"Would you all like to join us by the campfire later?" Harry asks.

"Yeah, sure! Sounds great!" Evan answers. Yayyyyy.

We wave goodbye and head back to the cabin to eat, eagerly chatting on the way about the so far amazing day, that's to end by the campfire. Unfortunately, it's the middle of the day, so we can't just sleep to get the night to come faster. Well, I guess we could, but there are just so many other things to do!

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