Chapter 28 - A Day Out

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Ever since three days ago at the restaurant, things have been back to normal. No hard feelings. I'm really thankful for it. I have a really special day planned for Liam and I in town to make up for the time lost. First I have to somehow jack my credit card because for once, I'm going to pay. My number one go to for anything sneaky is Cristina so of course I have to find her. I look in her room first and happen to get lucky that she's actually there.

"Cristina!" I yell whisper. I don't want to be too loud because I'm pretty sure that Liam didn't actually go home last night. Instead he probably passed out on the couch.


"I have a task for you."

"Really? What is it? I want in." She says a little too excited, as she rubs her fingers together.

"Ok so a while back, Liam took my credit card because he didn't want me using it. I want to treat him to a special day though and that's a little difficult without my money."

Before she gets a chance to say anything, there's a knock on the window. She skips over to where the knock was and opens the window as she kind of shoos me away. That's funny if she actually thinks I'm going to leave. I take a seat in one of the chairs by the door. I watch as Louis's head pops in through the window.

"Hey Boo." Boo? Am I missing something? Cristina helps him in, up through the window. I take now to make my way over to them.

"Uh, is there something I don't know about? Are you guys official? How long has this been going on?" I'm not sure whether to be mad they didn't tell me or excited that I'm the first to know, but I pick excited. I start jumping up and down. Both of their faces turn beat red.

"Well yes it's official and it's been about four days." Louis says to me, while looking at Cristina. Suddenly I get an idea.

"Oh my gosh Cristina it has to be a double date, it just has to." I say. Her eyes grow twice the normal size as she starts clapping and jumping up and down.

"YES." She answers.

"What's going on?" Louis asks, but neither of us answer him as we motion towards the window for him to get out while we plan. Immediately though, Cristina feels a little bad and gives him a peck on the cheek.

"I'll tell you later." She says. At that, he leaves the way he came.

"Okay, so you know that Japanese steakhouse in town that's supposed to be really good?" I ask Cristina.

"Vaguely, but yes. Wait, isn't it really hard to get into?"

"Yes but I have a reservation for two. I'll try and change it to four." I reach for my phone and dial the number. It starts ringing. Someone answers and the conversation ends as quickly as it started. "We now have a reservation for four at noon." I say, grinning.

"Okay, what else are we going to do?" She asks me.

"Well I was thinking we could all go to that aquarium. They have dolphins and killer whales, so I thought it sounded pretty exciting."


We both run downstairs and I find Liam on the couch, as predicted. I lightly shake his shoulder and he wakes up.

"Wh-what time is it?" He asks in his adorable morning voice. I sit down next to him as he sits up.

"It's 9:30. I suggest you go get something to eat, get dressed in something nice, and be back here by 11:00." I say to him with a large, yet somewhat creepy grin.

"Uh, alright. What are we doing?"

"It's a secret." I whisper in his ear. Cristina starts giggling.

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