Chapter (8) Eight ~ ...the girl who felt it

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I woke up to someone repeatedly patting my face.

"Oliv. Oliv wake up. Peggy's going to be here with Rogers soon and we need you alive for his presentation." Howard said, not stopping his assault on my face.

I groaned before clutching my head, which was beating like a drum, and carefully sitting up.

"Atta girl. Rise and shine sleeping beauty!" Howard cheered.

"What happened?" I grumbled, swinging my legs over what appeared to be one of the beds in our little infirmary.

"You blacked out for a few minutes. We don't know why it happened yet, so we got some Docs running some tests. Hopefully, we don't have this same problem with Rogers." He answered. "Now come on, you gotta help me set everything back up since I don't know what the hell I'm doing."

My obnoxious brother helped me out of the bed, lending me his arm as I tried to get used to walking with my new height and weight. When we left the infirmary, my legs seemed to remember how to work and I was able to make my way to the main room without much of a problem.

The two of us entered the lab, and as soon as I entered, Liv came charging over, grabbing Howard by the ear and pulling him to the side.

"I thought I told you to leave her and figure this out yourself?! She needs to rest more! What happens if she passes out again?!" She whisper-shouted as Howard rubbed his ear.

"She's fine! Once Bambie here remembered how to walk, it was easy to get her here. She'll be fine to help set everything back up, and then she can go and rest some more." Howard said before walking off. "Come on Oliv! Time to get back to work!" He shouted over his shoulder.

I gave Liv an apologetic look before walking over to the console, getting everything to where it should be before we did this to Steve. The more I worked, the more strength I could feel come back to me, so by the time I finished I felt pretty good.

"Alright, time to get you back to bed." Liv came over, grabbing my arm and starting to drag me out of the room.

"Liv, I am fine. Seriously. I actually feel great! So, I'm staying." I said, gently getting her hand off my arm. "If it makes you feel better, I can go up to the observation room. Peggy will probably be in there too, so she can watch me while we're in there."

Liv seemed to consider this for a moment, before rolling her eyes. "Fine. But if you feel the slightest bit ill you will come down and go back to the infirmary. Got it?"

"Yes mam," I jokingly saluted, turning back around to go check on Howard and make sure he didn't mess anything up.

Turns out, he did.

I slapped his head, then fixed his mistake, which could have blown the capsule up with Steve in it. Right after everything was as it should have been, the doors were swung open, revealing Peggy and Steve. The room stared at them for a moment, before Steve looked uncomfortably to Peggy who then led him down the stairs to the main floor and to Doctor Erskine.

"Good morning." The doctor greeted, shaking Steves's hand before a photographer captured the moment. "Please, not now."

"You ready, Steve?" I asked, coming up behind the doctor.

"Wow." He marveled at my new look. "Am I going to look like that?"

"If all goes according to plan, then yes. Something very similar should happen to you." I nodded. "Now, we need you to take off your shirt, tie, and hat. Liv here will take them from you." I pointed to the brunette woman.

Steve hurriedly rushed to take off the clothing, handing them over to Liv as I instructed. When that was done, I lead him to the capsule for him to get in and get himself situated.

"Comfortable?" Erskine asked.

"It's a little big." Steve joked.

"It won't be for long!" I chimed in, walking over to Howard who looked like he was pressing random buttons. I hit the back of his hand, then hit the back of his head. "What do you think you're doing?"

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